23- nightmares

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TW: nightmares, panic attacks, past traumas, past deaths (of parents)


My heart thundered as I raced down the hauntingly familiar brick path.

How can I stop it? What do I need to give? How can I just keep them alive?

My thoughts came to a deafening halt as I heard the screech of my mother.

I'm not running fast enough, so I push my aching body harder.

I round a corner which is lined by our towns familiar oak trees and I see it.

It's something I've seen so many times since it happened all those years ago.

My mothers crumpled and lifeless body strewn across the path.

I don't even get a moment to process her dead on the floor before i know what happens next.

"DAD—" I stumble forward, I can see the terror and grief in his eyes.

If only I could push him. But something always stops me.

Sometimes I get thrown back, sometimes im rooted to the spot even though my brain is screaming at me to move, occasionally I get killed before he does.

But this time, the green light struck him before I'd even ran a few feet.

His goes stiff as he hits the ground hard, and a mangled sounding sob tears it way out of my throat.

I collapse onto the bricked path, left in a manic state. A hideous laugh fading into background noise as the world seemed to spin into black.

And for a few moments, the in between of reality and dreams, everything was quiet.

I gasped aloud as I jolted awake, my head still spinning.

"Y/n..." someone whispered from beside me.

Reality fully honed in on me as I heard his voice. I was in the Slytherin common room, books and homework I was working on forgotten. Strewn across the table after I'd fell asleep.

"Sh, it's ok darling, you're ok."

I felt arms pulling me tight into an embrace, holding me tight into his chest.

I hadn't realised how violently I'd been shaking until I looked at my hands.

Sobs were still clawing there way out of me, it'd been a while since I'd had a nightmare, so it almost felt worse.

"It's been— I haven't—" I tried to tell him how long it's been. But the words just weren't coming out.

"It's alright, you don't have to tell me. Or explain right now. Just lie down." He stroked my hair, as let me lay my head onto his lap.

He stayed silent, yet it was so comfortable. I was able to focus on matching my breaths with his, and as his touch slowly trailed from my hair to the small of my back.

I usually stayed up the rest of the night after that particular nightmare... but I could almost fall back asleep to his touch alone.

"You going back to sleep?" He asked carefully, thumb still stroking back and forth.

"Do you want to go?" I made half the effort to sit up, but his hand stopped me, laying me back down.


That's all I remember of that conversation, and the featherlight kiss he left on my forehead just before I slipped back of into a deep and dreamless sleep.

We missed our train so now we're waiting at the train station and I wrote y'all a lil something xo. ALSO IMPORTANT THING TO TELL YOU!!! I just published the first part of my Peter Parker imagines book so if you want, totally go check that out (shameless self promotion 😼)
Anyways I hope you enjoyed that! Luv you, bye <3

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