19- secret admirer

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As the box made contact with the table, I frowned. I'd gotten a package from my mother only days ago, it was odd to be getting another so soon.

I plucked it up off the wood, running my hands over the brown-paper wrapping, finished with a twine bow.

The writing at the top of the box was addressed to me, but had no visible name of the sender.

I glanced around the hall, scanning peoples faces, as if they would know who sent it.

"Y/n, what did you get?" Ginny asked, craning her neck over the stack of pancakes between us, trying to catch a glance at the package.

I shrugged, trying to keep it nonchalant,

"Dunno, think it might be from my mum."

No point in telling her I don't know, often when that happens people who overhear often get a bit nosey, wanting to know for themselves what's in the box.

"Think I'll take it up to the dorms, it's probably just..." I trailed off trying to come up with something logical.


Her brows pinching together as she nodded in confusion, as through her expression asking if they're probably just books, why cant you open them here?

I stood up, scooping the package underneath my arm and headed straight to the dormitory.

Tossing the box onto my bed, I stared at it.

Rolling my eyes, (no particular reason why, I just like to do it, think of it as a stress reliever)

I sat onto the bed, carefully pulling the twine and unwrapping the brown paper off the box.

The first thing was a folded piece of parchment, still without the name of the sender on it.

However adroitly inked on it was my own name, in an undeniably beautiful cursive font.

I cautiously opened the parchment, worried as though the ink might smear.

I was surprised to find a multitude of paragraphs, scrawled in the same cursive writing.

Dear y/n,


Im awfully unsure how to begin this letter. However, I'd guarantee you're rather confused at the moment.

I was incredibly nervous to send you this package, it was sitting under my dormitory bed (yes, I'm a student at hogwarts)  for at least a week, so I hope you like it and don't think it's overly weird. Because I can definitely see you telling everyone you have a stalker, which personally I would go for 'admirer'. But say what you will I guess.

Anyways, without knowing who I am, you can't send a letter back. So I'll answer the questions I could assume you would ask.

1) I'm in your year, but not your house.
2) Yes, we have spoken before.
3) I'm pretty sure I'll tell you who I am eventually.

Presuming you haven't missed this, yes this note is my way of expressing my dumb little crush on you. I'm to much of a wuss to actually come and approach you. Mainly because my ego is frankly, too fragile.

So assuming I don't chicken out after this one, I'll talk to you later.

Enjoy your gift x

Your secret admirer

P.S. This is the 4th time I've re-read this letter and I don't think I'm going to be able to send it if I don't apologise for how sickeningly cheesy and cliche it is. Hope this didn't scare you off.

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