Chapter 14

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-~ Steven's POV (Ze) ~-

The feeling of his lips lingered on mine as he left the room. An immediate emotion of regret came upon me for losing my temper with the tall Italian. Regaining composure, I followed Anthony, ready to apologize.

"Anthony?" My voice echoed throughout the almost empty house.

I instinctively walked into the kitchen. Anthony was sitting on one of the chairs surrounding the table, with his head in his hands.

"Anthony... look I'm sorry for snapping at you," I pleaded.

"It's alright, I guess I lost my temper a bit, too," he stood up, in front of me.

"I guess I always have been the stubborn one," I gave a half hearted laugh.

"That you are,"

He took both my hands in his and leaned forward, our lips getting ever so close. Then my phone rang from my back pocket. Pulling away, I answered the call.

"Hey, buddy," It was Smarty.

"God dammit Smarty!" I yelled into the small device.

Anthony gave me a confused look and raised one eyebrow. 'Smarty' I mouthed to him and he nodded in acknowledgement.

"I'm offended," Smarty joked, "I was only callin' to ask if you and Chilled wanted to record a video with GaLm and I,"

"Not now, Smarty. Me and Chilled are... busy,"

"Alright, you two have fun now," I could physically feel him suggestively wiggle his eyebrows through the phone.

The line clicked dead and I tossed my phone onto the counter.

"Now Anthony, where were we?"

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