Chapter 2

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"It's okay, Anthony," Steven comforted me.

"S-She broke up with me, Steven," I whined, "I fucking forgot our date and she broke up with me!"

Silence. Horrible nagging silence. Steven looked as if he was deep in though. He stared directly into my eyes.

"I'm coming to visit you in New York," That was all he said as he ended the Skype call.

~-~- Steven's POV (Ze) -~-~

Fuck. What was I thinking. I just told Anthony, I'm coming to visit him in New York. Wait. Maybe, just maybe this is a chance to show my love for him. Who am I kidding, he would never love a guy like me, he's straight anyway.

I glanced down at my sweater sleeve, slowly pulling it up. I traced the long cuts on my forearm with my finger and sighed. I tugged the sleeve downward till it covered the wounds. I took the computer mouse in hand and searched for the needed airline tickets that would get me from Sacramento to New York.


I laid on my back, gazing intently at the plain, chalky white ceiling. I ended up deciding on a flight that leaves on Saturday, that's the day after tomorrow, which gives me a day to pack.
However my mind only revolved around a certain Italian named Anthony. His jet-black hair, his cute as hell dimples, his intense, dark brown eyes. With that, I drifted into a deep dreamless sleep.

I awoke to the persistent beep of my alarm, making me role over and cover my head with the light pillow. Sadly the pillow wasn't soundproof therefor providing no help to escape the noise. I finally gave in and swung my legs off the cushiony bed, making sure to press the snooze button, as I stood up.

~- Anthony's POV (Chilled) -~

My eyes slowly opened as I awoke. I reached an arm out and grasped my cellphone. One missed text from Steven

•"I got tickets for Saturday, see you then"•

•"Okay"• I texted back.

Wait. What. Events of yesterday cascaded through my head. Losing Jess, Steven deciding to come to New York and visit me. Oh God.

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