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Without realizing, Yoongi taps his fingers on the small place of his desk which is unoccupied by a stack of papers, trying to focus on the words of the new deal with Mr. Jeon. The little humming and whispering he hears on the other side of his office is distracting, causing his eyes to flicker to the small kid sitting on what seems a big cough, but it's only a two seat leather sofa Yoongi insisted on having in his office. Focusing back on the contract, he tries to continue with precise reading just to realize it seems familiar. He's quick to notice that he has been reading the same sentence for the fifth time and he's ready to let out a frustrated and uncontrolled groan, before he hears a bang and crack followed right after. His eyes snap to Jehu to check up on him, but he only sees small eyes peering at him apologetically and noticing the tablet he gave him to play with, laying on the floor with a cracked screen.

"'m sorry." Jehu mumbles, pouting his lips before he crouches down and picks up the too big tablet for his small hands.

"It's okay, buddy." Yoongi sighs, not really minding that he cracked the screen. He can always buy a new one or get it repaired.

Usually, he wouldn't find his son so distracting and just be glad he can spend some alone time with him. Although, there is no time to enjoy their bonding time since he has a literal stack of papers on his desk. He could easily give it to Jimin, to check everything up but he won't do it. He likes to know everything that's happening in the company. What if Jimin misses something and the whole contract will come out bad? Plus, it's the busiest day of the week – Monday. Which means there are a lot of emails and calls to be dealt with, since it's the start of the week.

Inconveniently, you had to go for an appointment with your doctor and there was no one who could look after your small bundle of joy. The nanny? She got sick. Your mother? She is on a vacation with her boyfriend. Yoongi's parents? Went on a trip.

When you asked him if he could look after Jehu, he agreed even though he knew it would be a challenge. Jehu is a good kid, but he knew he would get bored in Yoongi's office eventually. So, he gave him his tablet and turned on a cartoon. It was very distracting, the music and voices in there causing Yoongi to not be able to fully focus on the important words. After some time, Jehu got bored of it so Yoongi had to stand up and put some game for him to play, of course – a game for kids. He wouldn't repeat Hoseok's mistake by putting on a game with guns for him to play. He feels like a bad parent by shushing his kid with technology, but this is the only way he can still work and look after him at the same time.

"Ah, who's this little guy?" Mr. Choi asks, once he steps into Yoongi's office and notices the small black haired kid with a tablet in his small hands and big plushie under his arm.

"It's my son, please, sit down." he says, once he greets with the partner which his father had a contract with way before Yoongi became the CEO.

Jehu isn't the only distraction for Yoongi, but probably also for the whole staff. When Yoongi came out from the elevator with his son in his hands, everyone seemed shocked but most importantly found it cute. The intimidating CEO is seen with a soft look in his eyes as he holds his son. There were a few women employees who would come up to Jehu and start sweetly talking to him. Yoongi had to remind them that they should do their job, after seeing how distracted they're getting.

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