Chapter Three

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Chapter Three
"Jade, you better get the fuck up right now! You didn't do my laundry yesterday so now you have to do it today." Angel's annoying voice said as she burst into my room.
I sighed and looked at her. "Will you calm down?! I just woke up, don't yell at me!" I growled as I sat up and rubbed my eyes.
"Oh please, what are you gonna?" She snickered as she walked out of my room.
Shaking my head I stood up to pick out some cloths.
Shorts and a t shirt.
I changed and made my way to her room where I found her cloths hamper outside her bedroom door.
"Ungreatful bitch." I whispered to myself as I walked down the stairs to the laundry room.
I rolled my eyes when I took the lid off the hamper and noticed it was filled to the top.
"Of course." I said when I started putting her cloths into the washer. I added the soap and shut the lid, then pressed the start button.
"Jade, you're alone tonight." Andrew said as he walked by me in the kitchen. "Angel and I are going to a party and dad's going out. If Willow comes over, text me so I can cover for you." He grinned.
I nodded and smiled. "Thanks, Andy." I grabbed my bowl of cereal off the counter and took it up to my room.
I checked my phone to see five text messages. One from all the boys last night. I smiled when I realized they actually did like us, as friends of course.
Willow and I normally aren't liked by many people. It's hard for them to see what we've been through and why we act the way we do.
So it was surprising to see people, especially guys, actually wanting to hang out with us. It was just unusual.
I smiled as I read all their text messages.
"Hey there, babes. It's Zayn. xx"
"~Sass Master from Doncaster P.S Give Willow my number. xx"
"Hey Jade, it's Liam. xx"
"Hello Miss. Wolf, it's Harry Styles. Chill soon. xx"
"Hi there gorgeous. I hope I can see you again soon, I think you're absolutely amazing. (: xx ~Niall"
I could feel my cheeks get hot from Niall's message. The heat traveled to my ears and I could tell they were turning red as well.
I put my phone back down and looked around my room. I tried to think of something to do.
Shaking my head at my now buzzing phone, I sat down and answered it.
"Hey Jade." His Irish Accent was highly noticable.
I smiled a bit. "Hey Niall. What's up?" I asked as I laid down.
"Just sitting at home, bored. Do you wanna hangout tonight?" He asked.
I bit my lip and thought for a minute. "I can meet you at the pub again." I said quietly.
"Alright sounds good. Say around... ten o'clock?"
"Yeah, that's perfect. I'll see you later." I said and hung up.
I heard the loud footsteps coming up the stairs and I shot up.
Oh no...
"Jade, where are you?" My fathers loud, boomng voice said from the hallway.
"My room." I replied, my voice shakey.
He burst threw the door and came over to me.
"Who was that?" He growled, getting in my face.
"A friend." I said.
"Well, you're not going to the pub again. Not so I can have my daughter whoring herself around and bringing dishonor to us all. You should be out getting yourself a real man and obeying his every wish. Not here pitying yourself for loosing your god awful mother and stupid sister, she was a whore too, you're just like her, ungreatful little slut! And being stupid enough to be hurt by a man." He rolled his eyes. "You're so weak." He said as he pulled his hand back and a few seconds later my face was stinging.
I clentched my jaw and my hand went up to grab my face. "Get away from me!" I shouted as tears trickled down my cheeks.
"Exuse me?" He yelled back and pinned me down against my bed. "Don't you ever fucking talk to me like that again! Ungreatful bitch!" He said as he spat in my face.
I was full on sobbing now as he let me go and stalked back downstairs and out the front door. I rolled over in my bed and cried.
Memories of Dean, mom and Sage now flooding my mind like every day.

~Flash Back~
I looked in the mirror to see how perfect I looked. The green ball gown gracefully falling to the floor, my hair in loose ringlets and my make up really making my eyes pop. I smiled and bit my lip as I turned around and peered out the window to see my dad was gone and so was Angel, but Andrew was downstairs waiting to take my picture. I sighed in relief and grabbed my silver heels and ran downstairs.
"Jade, you look so perfect." Andy smiled and hugged me tightly. "Thanks, now hurry up. I'm supposed to be at Dean's already." I said and got into a pose.
He quickly snapped the picture and I quickly went out the door.
I hoped into my car and drove off to pick up Dean. It was senior prom and I couldn't have been happier. I had the perfect dress, the perfect hair, the perfect date. Everything was just amazingly perfect.
Until I pulled up to Dean's house to see him leading a skinny blonde girl with a short, mid thigh length pink dress and heels that made her look like a stripper to his car.
I pulled into his driveway and got out. "Dean?" I asked, my voice low.
"Ah, Jade. Sorry this is short notice but it's over. I'm taking Crista instead. Have fun." He said as he gave me an evil smirk and drove off.
There I was, standing alone in his driveway, tears now streaming down my face... Why did I even bother.
When I got back home I ran up to my room, literally tore the dress of my body, ripped my hair out of the bobby pins and hair ties, then kicked the heels off my feet and just fell onto my bed from uncontrolably sobbing.
"I wish you were here, mom." I murmured quietly as I burried my head in my pillow. "You too, Sage."

~End Flash Back~
I sniffled as I couldn't stop the memories from pouring through my mind.

~Flash Back~
"No, Jade." My mothers soft voice said as I reached for a cookie. "Not until dinner, babe." She said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me up into my high chair.
"Cookie." I giggled.
She smiled brightly at me and picked one up, breaking it in half and giving me one side.
I beamed at her and shoved the whole thing into my mouth. Mom's cookies always sorta melted in your mouth, like those soft chocalate chip cookies you can buy.
"Don't tell daddy." She winked at me and I nodded happily.
"Our little secret." I giggled once again before she put my plate of food in front of me.
"I love you, baby girl." My mom said as she kissed my forehead.
"I love you too, mama." I smiled and began eating my dinner.
My dad came into the kitchen and smiled at us. "How's my girls?" He grinned and kissed my mom's cheek and he turned to me. "Jade, that better not be cookie crumbs on your cheek." He chuckled and picked me up.
I shook my head and gave him to innocent eyes.
"My little cookie monster!" He chuckled.

~End Flash Back~
Why did I have to remember? I wish I could throw all these images in my head into a damn garbage can. The memories are what kills me every single day.
~Flash Back~
"Jade, come here for a minute." Sage called from her room. I was about 14 and just started dating Dean.
I walked into her room and I sat down on her bed. "Watcha need, sissy?"
"Listen, I know you really Dean and you guys are cute. I just want you to be safe. Guy's your age, they sometimes want to take advantage of you, and I don't want you to gt hurt." She told me.
"I know." I nodded. "I'm gonna be careful." I said and hugged her. "Thank you for being an amazing big sister. I love you."
"I love you too, Kiddo."
~End Flash Back~

I lay here for hours straight, just crying because all the memories still haunt me. Dean's voice whispering he loves me softly in my ear, my mom bright smile, and piercing ice green eyes shining at me and Sage's smile lighting up my whole day.
My heart was racing as the all too familair pain shot through my heart and I knew it was time I picked up where I left a few days ago on my wrists.
I sat up and walked to my bathroom. I pulled the bottom drawer open and pulled out the little razor blaze that still had dried blood on the sharp blade.
I looked at myself in the mirror to see my eyes blood shot from sobbing and my cheeks red. I looked back down to my wrists and smoothly dug into my skin. I slid the blade across my wrists and my blood poured out. I bit my lip and did this several times, leaving me with eleven new wounds, dripping with the crimson liquid sliding down my wrists and hitting my sink and the floor.
I could suddenly feel a presence and I imediately grabbed a cloth off the shelf and covered my arm. The bathroom door swung open and Angel stood in the doorway.
She rolled her eyes. "You're so pathetic. Go put my cloths in the drier and do another load." She said and turned to strut away.
I sniffled and grabbed the goze from the medicine cabbinit and wrapped my arm. The blood almost instantly started bleeding through and I sighed, as I started to unwrap it to put a cloth over it, then the goze.
I nodded when that worked. I walked downstairs and saw Andrew sitting on the counter, doing something on his phone. As I walked past him he jumped off the counter right in front me.
"I see what you did." He said as he glaned down at the bandage. "You need to stop Jade... With this and the drinking, you'll die..." He said softly.
"I know... I'm sorry." I sniffled and walked past him.
"Andrew, why are you so nice to her?" Angel asked, scuffing.
"She's our sister, that's why." He said and walked away.
Shaking my head, I put Miss. Bitches cloths in the drier and put the next load in the washer.
Starting both machines, I walked away and back up to my room.
What am I gonna do about Niall...?

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