Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

I walked downstairs in my now dark and empty house. Dad was out, and Angel and Andrew were at a party. I was still thinking about Niall who wanted me to go to the pub later. I wanted to go so I could actually get some socializing into my life, but I didn't want my dad finding out I was gone...

My phone made a ding and I looked down to see a text from Willow.

"You better me coming tonight. Niall told me he's meeting you here and if you don't show up I will kill you!" 

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. She's insane.

"I can't... Dad told me I can't leave..." I replied.

I went to the bathroom to unravel the bandages on my arm. It was now beginning to scab so I wrapped it with fresh goze and went back to my phone.

"Fuck that stupid dick face! Jade, do you realize what could happen? You and Niall really hit it off at the pub last night. You could fall for him, he could fall for you! This is your chance to be happy again." Her message read.

I bit my lip as I could already feel the tears stinging my eyes.

"I can never be happy again, Will. I'm too broken!" I texted back, now laying down on my bed.

I had a lump in my throat and I tried to swallow it away while blinking back the tears. But that didn't work. The tears slid down my face and I let out a small cry.

Willow always tried to get me to date or sleep with guys to get over my ex Dean.

Dean and I dated from the time we were 14 until about a year ago. We were always  on and and off, but mostly on. I loved him so much, gave him everything... I gave him the one thing a girl should cheerish for as long as possible.

My innocence.

I sniffled and let out another cry as more memories came to my mind. 

~Flash Back~

Dean and I just got back to his house after going to see a movie. His parents were away on business so we had the house to ourselves.

"Go upstairs, I'll be there in a minute." He told me.

I nodded and walked to his bedroom, up on the second floor.

Daniel was about 17 at the time, and I was about 16, almost 17.

We were dating for six months this time. I loved him and he loved me. He always did take care of me, besides when he would be with his friends. We never said it, though. I wanted to tell him, but I was afraid. It was hard telling Dean how you felt because you never new how he would react.

I sat down on his bed when I reached his room and sighed, leaning against the wall. I heard his footsteps walking into the room and I smiled a bit at him when he appeared in the doorway.

"Jade... I need to tell you something." He said as he bit his lip.

I nodded, telling him to go on and he cleared his throat.

"I.. I think I love you." He said, looking into my eyes.

Wow, coinsidence much?

I smiled brightly. "I feel the same way."

"Really?" He asked, a smile now spreading across his face.

I nodded and smiled even wider.

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me passionately. I, of course kissed back and we did this for what seemed like hours. 

Dean finally pulled back and looked at me. "Jade... I want to show you how much I love you." He said and bit his lip.

My eyes went wide and I bit my lip as well as I looked at him. "You mean... D-do it?" I stutter.

He nodded and pecked my lips. "I want to show you that I love you." He whispered.

I hesitantly leaned my head forward to kiss him once more, signaling him to do as he pleased.

His hands roamed my body as I arched my back to bring him closer to me. His one hand was slipping up the back of my shirt to unclasp my bra. I bit my lip, suddenly getting insecure.

I flinched slightly and he kissed my forehead. "Don't worry babe. I'll be gentle, and there's no need to hide yourself from me." He whispered sweetly in my ear as he then continued to strip the both of us.

He laid me back and my heart rate was at a very unsafe pace. And soon, I was no longer innocent. I had been penatrated, and I gave Dean something I could never get back.

I never thought it would be the biggest mistake of my life.

~End Flash Back~

The tears were now flooding my eyes and I didn't even hear my phone ding a million times.

I wiped my eyes and took the phone into my hands and began reading. Some were from Will, some were from Niall.

"I'm serious, Jade. You don't know that you can't be happy again. We go through this all the time. Why can't you just try? Just try to be happy!" Willow said to me.

"I can't Will." I replied back.

The next text message popped up on my screen and I clicked it.

"Hey Jade, I can't wait til later. Let's not get so drunk this time haha. xx" It was from Niall.

I sniffled as I thought about if I had made up my mind yet or not.

"You're coming and that's final!" I noticed Willow texted me again.

I rolled my eyes and cried more.

Why did she have to do this to me?

I threw my phone and turned so my face was in my pillow and I sobbed.

She doesn't understand that I don't want to be with anyone else. I missed Dean too much to even picture myself with another guy, not even a damn celebrity! Okay, maybe Markiplier, the famous Youtube Gamer, but this isn't his story. (A/N: That last sentence is dedicated to my Step Sister. xD)

I can never be happy again, not without Dean. He was so sweet. He did everything for me. Yeah, he broke my heart three times, but I was the one who did it to myself. 

I can't explain it.. Dean was misunderstood. He had a little bit of trouble in his life, which is why he hurt me, but he was hurt and didn't know how to handle it... Or that's at least what his mom told me when she kicked him out of her house for doing drugs. The was after the last time we ever broke up and never talked to each other again.

I went over there to grab some of my stuff and she sat down on the couch to talk to me. Make sure I was okay, seeing if she could do something to help since her son... Basically fucked me up.

I guess another reason I miss Dean so much was because I missed his mother as well. She was so sweet to me, and treated me like I was family. Since I didn't really have a mom, she acted as if she was my mother. And, she helped me get over my sister's death.

I heard my phone go off and I looked at the ground where it was laying.

Sniffling, I stood up and grabbed my phone.

"I'm coming to get you in about an hour. You better be ready, or I'll drag you out, no matter how bad you think you look." Willow told me.

I sighed and texted Niall, telling him I'd be there a little sooner than 10.

I then went to my dresser to pick out my cloths and went to take a shower and texted Andy to have him cover for m in case someone came home.

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