Happily Ever After? (Chapter 24-Final Chapter)

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Chapter 24 (Final Chapter)

~Happily Ever After?~

'Tom's POV'

"Babe, come dance with meeee..." Sarah whined pulling on my arm.

I nodded and followed her, she pulled me into the middle of the dance floor and started grinding her way to the beat. To me, it just sounded really loud and annoying. The people around me smelled like crap and the flashing strobe lights were making my headache a lot worse. I was coming down from a high and I was NOT doing well.

I've always hated this feeling... The high feels incredible, but coming off of it, is the worst experience ever.

I'd been clean for awhile also, so getting back into the swing of things would definitely be hard. I was never an addict, for some reason I was able to keep myself in check when it came to drugs. It was great, cause I could get high whenever I wanted and I had enough self restraint to not do it again when I felt like I needed to.

As Sarah turned me around, I felt the wave of nausea hit. "Fuck, Sarah I'm not doing so hot, let's go." I said into her ear.

She pouted but nodded, "Let me get some extra stuff from Mikey and then we can go." She shouted gesturing to a tall skinny guy with blood shot eyes. He was definitely stoned. I watched as she slipped a wad of cash into his hand and slipped the baggy that he handed her into her purse.

She came back over, "Got the goods, We going back to your place or mine?"

"Right now, I honestly do not give a shit. My head is pounding. How are you not totally trashed right now?" I asked as she pulled me to the door.

She laughed lightly, "I didn't have anything."

I gaped at her, "Seriously? Why not?"

I tossed her the keys as she went around to the driver's side of my car, "I figured you'd be trashed, so I wanted to be able to drive home.."

I didn't respond, I just closed my eyes and tilted my head back. "I did have a few beers though..." She said quietly peeling out of the parking lot.

I raised my head, "Oh god. Don't crash my car, okay? I'm not in the mood to die."

She glanced at me, "I'm not stupid. I drink enough that I know how much I can tolerate before I get totally wasted. I'm fine. Where's your new place by the way?" She said speeding up.

"You know that park we used to go to with your friends? It's down the street from there." I said groaning as she took a turn sharply.

"Are you sure you aren't drunk?" I asked glancing at her.

"Tom, for fuck's sake! I'm fine." She said as she accelerated more.

I just shook my head and closed my eyes. Hopefully we'd be home soon... Cause I know she needs some sort of drug. That was why she was driving so fast and she was tapping her leg with her right hand very quickly.

We pulled up in front of the flat and she bolted from the car and unlocked the door without waiting for me. I followed after her and we both went up to my room. I ignored the weird looks that Anne gave me as we passed by. I admit, it must've looked pretty strange.

As soon as we were in my room, I shut and locked the door. She pulled the baggy of various drugs out. She pulled out one of the needles and quickly injected her self with it.

"You need one?" She said looking up, her blonde hair covering part of her face.

I nodded and she tossed me a needle. I grabbed it swiftly and injected myself. I winced as it broke through my skin. It hurt now, but in a few minutes I would be feeling on top of the world.

In Your Heart (Nathan Sykes/Tom Parker)Where stories live. Discover now