It's Summertime (Chapter 1)

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Chapter 1 

~It's Summertime~ 

'Anne's POV'

My alarm clock went off and I rolled out of bed. I went through my usual routine. I turned my ipod on and blasted Maroon 5, my current favorite band. I was pretty much in love with Adam Levine.

"Wake up call caught you in the morning with another one in my bed!" I sang loudly and danced around my room.

I grabbed a pair of short, black excercise shorts and my favorite white vneck tshirt out of my closet. I got dressed quickly and started on my hair. It was the first day of summer and I was extremely pumped. We were finally getting a sunny day today. My best friend, Nathan, and I were going to spend the entire day outside. I loosely curled my hair and left it flowing freely around my shoulders. I put my makeup on, grabbed my phone and sneakers, and went out the door.

My phone vibrated as I was jogging down the stairs. I looked down and grinned, it was Nathan. 

Be there in less than 5 xx

I sat at the kitchen table and put my sneakers on. My mum came in and kissed the top of my head.

"Hey sweetheart. Going out with Nath today?" She asked pouring me a glass of orange juice.

I grinned, "Yeah, we thought we'd enjoy the gorgeous weather." I took a sip of my juice. The back door opened and Nathan came in, a bright smile on his adorable face. "Hey mum!" He grinned giving my mum a hug. "Hey there second son!" She said with a laugh. He came over to me and pulled on one of my curls, "Hey bubbly."  

I loved that nickname. He had given it to me when he found a picture of me from when I was a baby. I had bubbles all over my hair and nose. I looked up at him and smiled, "Heya Nayf!"  

He sat down beside me, grabbed my juice, and took a gulp. "So what are the plans for today kids?" My mum asked placing a plate of pancakes in front of Nathan. "First we're going to the zoo, then a picnic in the park for lunch, followed by some football." Nathan replied as he cut into his pancakes. "Wow, sounds like a really fun day." She said smiling and handing me a plate with one pancake and a few orange slices. I smiled, she knew exactly what I liked for breakfast. Nathan looked at me and shook his head, "I have no idea how that's all you eat!" He said mouth full of pancakes. I laughed, "You are so disgusting. Chew first!" I said poking his side. He chewed and swallowed, "You understood me, didn't you?" He grabbed my juice and drank from it again. I snatched it from his hand and took a sip. "Of course I did, but I've known you my entire life. I remember you in diapers talking to me with food in your mouth."  

He laughed, "Well does it matter then?"

"Erm... yes! It's polite to chew first!" I exclaimed.

"She's right Nathan." My mum said popping her head into the kitchen and raising her brow at him.

I laughed, "See! I told you so!" I said jumping up with my plate and putting it in the sink.

Nathan came up behind me and tugged my hair gently, "Brat." He saud under his breath.

"Nathan!" I squealed faking a shocked expression. My mum hit him with her dish towel.

He laughed and jumped away, "Let's get out of here bubbly. I don't take abuse very well." He pretended to pout.

My mum laughed, "Please Anne get him out of here before I beat him some more."

I laughed and grabbed his hand, "Bye mum!" I called as I pulled him out the back door. We went through my backyard and into his. His house was directly behind mine.

"I need to grab my football really quick." He said opening the back door and letting me go first.

"Hey sweetheart." His mum said hugging me and kissing my cheek.

"Hi mummy number two!" I grinned at her and squeezed her tightly.

Nathan's parents had always looked after me and my parents had always looked after him. He was my brother, my best friend, and pretty much my everything. I'd had girlfriends throughout my life and I still did, but most of them had moved on. Nathan was the only friend that I'd had my entire life. No matter what I did, he'd always stuck by me. He never judged me, he was always supoortive and caring. He was the most special person in my life other than my older brother and my parents.

I watched him as he jogged down the stairs and grinned at me, "Ready?" He asked grabbing his keys off the table beside me.

I smiled at him, "Definitely."


Here's chapter 1 of my new fanfic! Please be brutally honest ladies if you don't like it, pleasee tell me! xx

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