The Reaction (Chapter 20)

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Chapter 20 

~The Reaction~ 

'Anne's POV'

Have you ever been stunned to silence? I've never been, but I think I'm experiencing it right now.

I can't speak, I can barely even think.

Nathan was still holding my hand, and still looking at me.

It was the scene that I had played out in my head over and over. I knew exactly how I'd respond and we'd be happy together.

Now that it was happening, I didn't know how to respond.

I never thought it would actually ever happen, and I never thought I would be dating his bandmate when it did.

"Anne, I need you to say something..."

I met his gaze and opened my mouth to speak, but I couldn't say anything.

He rubbed my hand lightly, I closed my eyes and swallowed. I needed to just put it out there.

"Nathan, I-I love you too. I always have and I always will. But I can't just drop Tom. I have to give it a shot with him or things will never be the same in this band. You have to believe me though, I love you. I truly do. I dont want to hurt you and I do not want to lose our relationship." My voice was shaking so badly. I was so worried about breaking his heart.

He pulled his hand out of mine and that twinkle of hope that was in his eyes disappeared.

"If that's what you'd like, then all right." He said quietly looking away.

I took his hand again desperately, "It is, but promise me it won't change our friendship. Please." I begged.

He didn't pull his hand away at first, "It won't, but I need some time okay?"

I nodded and stood, even though he was saying it wouldn't, I knew it would. We would never be the same Bubbly and Nayf that we had always been.

I grabbed my clothes from off the floor and left Nathan sitting on the bed.

I put my clothes on the floor, and walked over to Tom's room. I knocked lightly and waited anxiously for a response.

The door opened and Tom was standing there looking perfect, with an upset look on his face.

"Tom, I-"

He stopped me, "Did you sleep with him? That's all I want to know."

"No, of course not. I promise you all we did was sleep!" I said looking at him, eyes wide.

He smiled slightly and opened the door farther and nodded his head to let me in. I grinned, grabbed my clothes from the ground and slipped into his room.

This was the right choice, it had to be.


*A Week Later*

I was sitting on the kitchen counter while Nathan was cooking me dinner. Tom was out with a bunch of old friends and the rest of the boys and their girlfriends were upstairs.

Things seemed to be going well with both Nathan and Tom. It was almost more freeing being with Nathan and knowing his feelings and having him know mine. It was like our own little secret.

"Nath hurry up, Im starving." I whined swinging my legs around.

He looked up from the frying pan and laughed, "Don't be so impatient, it's coming."

I sighed and hopped off the counter. I walked over to him and put my chin on his shoulder. I wanted to mess around with him a bit. I slipped my hand into his front pocket and pulled out his Iphone.

He jumped and turned around, a big smile on his face. I slipped his phone into my back pocket and smiled at him.

"Where's my phone?"

I shrugged, "What makes you think I know?" I started to walk away and he grabbed me around my waist and pulled me back.

"Can you just finish my food?!" I exclaimed laughing and trying to get away.

He laughed and released me, "Fine, but I know you have my phone." He said shooting me a look from the stove.

I just sat down on the counter again and tried to look innocent. He shook his head and continued to cook the eggs. I took the opportunity to pull out his phone and snap a few pictures of him cooking. As he finished, he turned and gaped at me. I slipped the phone into my back pocket again and hopped off the counter.

"I knew it!" He exclaimed grabbing me before I could get away.

I laughed and turned around trying to pull myself away. He held me tightly, but gently.

"Now where is my phone..." He said looking me up and down.

He slipped his hand around my waist and into my back pocket. He kept his hand there for a few seconds before pulling it out.

"Liars aren't very good people bubbly." He said chuckling.

I hadn't realized just how close he had pulled me to him. Our faces were inches apart and one of his hands was on my lower back and both of my hands were on him.

He put his phone down on the counter slowly and brought his hand up to the back of my neck.

"Nathan we can't..." I said slowly, breathing heavily.

He brought his lips forward to mine, "I know." He whispered before kissing me softly.

He pulled away first, leaving me wanting more.

"I know we can't, I just had to it once. I won't do it again, I promise." He whispered before letting me go and backing away.

I nodded breathlessly, but I wasn't so sure that I wanted him to keep that promise.


Hey everyone hope you like the new chapter! Please give me some feedback either by voting, leaving a comment or tweeting me @ParkerSykesGirl. The feedback makes me want to keep writing so please keep it coming! :)

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