His Dreams (Chapter 4)

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Chapter 4

~His Dreams~

'Anne's POV'

"Ugh mum, David completely stole Nathan away last night and now today they're going to play lazer tag. Is this what the whole summer is going to be like?" I asked walking into her bathroom.

She looked at me in the mirror as she did her makeup. "I'm sure they won't mind if you tag along today. And you all have friends that aren't each other. You'll have plenty of people to hang out with." She said laughing.

I rolled my eyes, "But I want to hang out with Nathan. And I don't really have that many good friends that aren't Nathan. I do want to go with them today but I don't want to just tag along... I kind of want to be invited."

She turned around and hugged me, "Do you want me to talk to David?"

I pulled back, "Uhm no thank you! I'll just cross my fingers. Thanks for offering though." I said kissing her cheek and going to my room.

My mum had good intentions, but sometimes she didn't think things through very well. If she asked David to invite me I'd once again become the annoying little sister. Although Nathan was my best friend and I was only a year younger than David. Maybe I could guilt trip him into inviting me, mention how much I've missed him while he's been away. I grinned to myself, I was going with them for sure.

I quickly put on my bright pink excersize shorts and my black 'Class of 2012' tshirt. I laid down on my bed and opened up my laptop. I checked my mentions on twitter and grinned, I had a few from Nathan.

A couple of them were pictures. I opened the first one and laughed: '@AnneeLynn looking around in wonder at the zoo' and there was a picture of me grinning as I looked at the giant sign for the zoo.

I didn't even remember seeing him taking any pictures of me!

I clicked on the next one and smiled, there was a picture of me looking at the gorilla a big smile on my face: '@AnneeLynn happy as ever with her favorite animal in the world.'

I retweeted it and opened the next one. I gasped, it was a picture of me sleeping. I was going to kill that boy! I read his caption and smiled, '@AnneeLynn taking a nap after an amazing day at the zoo, I slept too lol #latenightconvos'

He could really be so adorable sometimes.

As I opened the next one I grinned, this one I did remember. It was of me with my arms wrapped around his waist laughing up at him and him grinning down at me. His caption made me so happy, 'Here's me with my favorite person in the world, @AnneeLynn'

I retweeted all of them and then tweeted: 'Had such a fun day yesterday with my best friend, @NathanSykes18'

I grinned to myself as I closed my laptop. My phone buzzed and I unlocked it and grinned, it was Nathan.

You're coming with us today, right? xx

I grinned and typed back: I wasn't invited haha x

He replied instantly: Seriously? I told David to make sure he did. Take this as your invite lol x

I grinned, I knew I could count on him to include me.

Thanks Nath! But I don't want to intrude on your plans... x

I laughed as I read his response: oh shut it bubbly, you're coming and that's final. Be there in a few, by the way I have news for you xx

He was so sweet. Can't wait to hear it. See you soon x


"So what'd you want to tell me about?" I asked as we waited for David to pay.

He grinned at me, "I heard about this audition for a boy band and I'm thinking about trying out."

I gasped and grabbed his hand, "Nathan! That is so exciting! You have to do it! You have the most incredible voice ever."

He looked up from our hands and grinned, "Do you really think so?"

"Uhm definitely! You are so going to get in! When are the auditions?" I asked grinning at him.

"In 2 weeks. I haven't mentioned it to my parents yet because I don't think they'll approve. I'd have to skip going to school or at least put it off for awhile."

My grin faded, that would mean we wouldn't be going to the University of London together. I couldn't let my dream get in the way of his. I forced a smile on my face and squeezed his hand.

"I'll sit with you when you talk to them if you'd like?" I asked meeting his green eyed gaze.

"Thanks. And I'm just going to audition Anne. I probably won't even make the first cut."

I shook my head, pulled my hand out of his and stood, "Oh stop it, you're going to make it. It'll be great Nathan!"

David walked over to us with our vests, "What's going on over here?"

I took the vest from him and slipped it on. "My best friend is going to be a rockstar." I said winking at Nathan.

I tried to buckle the straps at the back and failed. Nathan came in front of me laughing and he snaked his arms around me and buckled the straps.

I reached up and tousled his hair a bit, "Thanks Nath."

He grinned, "No problem. And I'm not going to be a rockstar. I'm going to audition for a boyband, but there's no chance I'll get in."

I shook my head and walked over to the group of people waiting to get their guns. I felt horrible, I almost didn't want him to make the first cut. I knew he would though, he was an amazing singer. I looked over at Nathan laughing as he talked to David, I'd miss him so much if he left.

He caught me looking at him and he grinned. I smiled back at him, I knew that if he made it, I'd want to go with him. He was my best friend, I'd give up my dreams to help him live out his.

Thanks for reading ladies! I hope you liked it!(: feedback please! <3 xx

In Your Heart (Nathan Sykes/Tom Parker)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang