Clubbin (Chapter 9)

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Chapter 9


'Nathan's POV'

We were all sitting at the bar talking and having a good time.

I watched as Tom switched seats with Alyssa, who had been on Anne's other side. He got Anne's attention instantly and she was laughing and grinning at him.

I literally could not think of anything to say to get her attention back on me.

I've always had her attention, even when she was dating someone. We had a connection that I had never experienced with anyone else. Whenever I had dated anyone I always ended up comparing the girls to Anne.

And let me just say... none of them could compete.

There's no one like her.

I shook my head and took a sip of my beer, somehow my thoughts were always on her.

As I sat there thinking about her, a familiar song started to boom through the speakers.

I recognized it right away.

Give A Little More by Maroon 5.

I laughed to myself, I think fate was on my side today.

Anne turn toward me quickly and took my hand, "Nathan! We must dance, it's our song!" She exclaimed hopping off of the bar stool.

"We'll be back Tom!" She called as she pulled me onto the dance floor.

We danced like crazy through the entire song. I spun her around, dipped her, laughed with her and just had a lot of fun. When we stumbled off of the dance floor and back to the bar Tom was talking to some random girl.

I checked Anne's reaction and she almost looked hurt, but I couldn't tell. We sat and then Tom noticed us.

His eyes lit up when he looked at her.

"There you are! If you don't mind I'm going to borrow your best friend for a little while." He said taking her hand.

She grinned and followed him to the dance floor.

I watched as they danced right on top of each other.

She was laughing her head off and they had their fingers laced as they danced.

It was pretty sickening to watch.

'Anne's POV'

Both Tom and Nathan had been treating me like a princess the entire night. Nathan was treating me like he usually did so I was used to it. Tom was being so sweet and funny, that I wasn't used to.

Tom had pulled me onto the dance floor and I was having so much fun with him.

"You are one hot little dancer Anne." He said grinning at me as he put his hands on my waist and pulled me close.

I slipped my arms around his neck and grinned, "Thank you Tom! You aren't so bad yourself."

He chuckled, "Oh I know."

I burst out laughing, "Cocky much?!"

He shrugged, "Sometimes. Anyways I have something I want to ask you." He said smiling as we danced.

What could he want to ask me?

"Will you let me take you out?" He asked looking down at me.

"Out? Like on a date?" I asked as we slowed down our dancing.

Surely I was mistaken, why would he want to date me?

He chuckled and nodded, "Yes, I'd really like to."

What was I supposed to say?! I couldn't say yes, not with the feelings that I'd been having for Nathan. Maybe it was a bet, a guy like him could not want to date me, I was so plain.

"I'll have to think about it. Thanks for asking though! That's really sweet." I said smiling up at him and pulling him off the dance floor.

He nodded, "I'll take that for now." He grinned, "But I would like an answer soon."

I nodded, but I had no idea how it would take to decide.

Any girl in my position would say yes right away, but I'm more cautious than most girls.

My heart has been broken one too many times to have it broken again.

All righty, hope liked it! If so, pleasee vote!

What do you think she'll say?!

What do you think Nathan will do/say when he finds out that Tom asked?!

Please tweet me! I want to know what you're all thinking! xx

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