Birthday (Chapter 17)

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Chapter 17


'Nathan's POV'

I was dreading it, but I wanted Tom's help with planning Anne's surprise birthday party.

I knew that they were together so I figured he'd be willing to help. I just had to ignore the fact that they were dating.

"Hey Tom, I want to throw Anne a surprise birthday party on Friday night. Can you help me out?" I asked.

"Of course, I'd love to. I was trying to figure out what to do for her, so this is perfect."

"Great. What I really want to do is make her think we forgot her birthday. Maybe you can figure something out, make sure you come here for some reason and that she's dressed up. I just want her to be totally surprised."

He nodded, "That's a really good plan. I'll make sure she doesn't find out. I'm assuming you'll deal with the guest list?"

"Thanks and yeah I've got everything else covered. All you have to do is bring her here."

"I can do that. I'm really excited about seeing how she's going to react." He said smiling at me.

I laughed, "Yeah she's going to be so shocked. I've always wanted to throw her a surprise party, it's just never worked out before this year."

"Well I'm glad I could help." He said with that easy going smile of his.

I walked away and shook my head in frustration, he was way too likable. I had a really hard time hating him.

I guess it's a good thing though, since we're in a boyband together. It would suck if he and I didn't get along.

It was hard to be around him and not think about the fact that he was dating my best friend, the girl I was in love with.

*Anne's Birthday

'Anne's POV'

I woke up and grinned to myself. I was finally 18, a legal adult.

I checked my phone and frowned, my inbox was empty.

On my birthday, Nathan would always text me before I woke up, sometimes even at midnight. On top of that, he would call me after I woke up and he would sing 'happy birthday' to me over the phone. We have so many birthday traditions. After the text and phone call, he would come over and sing 'happy birthday' to me in person. Then he'd give me whatever gifts he had for me. He always had a cupcake that he had baked himself with a candle in the middle. He always made my birthday special and

he had never missed a birthday.

Surely he hadn't forgotten...

I shook my head, there was no way he had forgotten, we're best friends.

I got out of bed and searched for something to wear. I had no idea what was in store for me today, I hadn't made any plans. I was hoping that Nath would've called me and told me what we were doing.

But he hadn't called or texted or come over.

'Nathan's POV'

I was going out of my mind. It started at 12:00 am, when it officially became Anne's birthday.

It was now 8:30 am, and I hadn't called or texted or gone to her house. It was killing me.

I just had to keep it in my head that this was all worth it, because later, she would be so surprised.

'Anne's POV'

I went downstairs fully prepared for my yummy birthday breakfast and my family's cheerful mood.

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