Persistent (Chapter 11)

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Chapter 11


'Anne's POV'

A week had passed since the night that I had spent curled up with Nathan. Since then I'd stayed over almost every night, my parents and I still weren't talking.

It was moving day for Nathan. All of the boys were going to help each other move their stuff in. Nathan was first, so they were all over at his place.

I finished doing my hair and makeup. I was trying to look my best because it was the first time I was seeing Tom since he asked me out. I had spent every possible minute with Nathan. Tom and I had been texting back and forth since then and he had been really sweet. He had actually brought up us going out many times. I still didn't have an answer for him though. I really wanted to say yes but there were those feelings about Nathan that were keeping me from agreeing to go out with him.

I made my way through the house toward the back door. I stopped in the kitchen to grab some water bottles for the boys. I grabbed Nathan his favorite bottle and filled it up with ice and water.

I glanced in the hall mirror before I slipped out the door. I was a bit dressed up for just moving boxes but I was going to be with a bunch of attractive guys. Two of which were extremely attractive.

I grinned as I walked into the house. It was a good thing Nath's parents were out of town, the music was blasting. I put the water bottles on the kitchen table and turned to go upstairs. I bumped into someone and almost fell but he put his arms around me. I glanced up to see who it was and I grinned to myself.

"Hey gorgeous!" Tom exclaimed grinning down at me.

"Tom! Thanks for catching me. I'm a bit of a clutz." I chuckled.

He grinned, "It was my pleasure, believe me."

He still hadn't removed his arms from around me.

"So about that date..." He said quietly looking into my eyes with a smile on his face.

I blushed and looked away, "I don't have an answer for you yet and I don't want to talk about it here." I whispered quickly and looked back up into his brown eyes.

He smiled, "I want an answer soon gorgeous. I'm dying to take you out."

"Soon I promise." I whispered quickly as I heard someone jogging down the stairs.

I pulled myself out of his grasp and he took my hand gently.

I looked up at him again, "I'm going to hold you to that promise." He grinned.

I laughed and shook my head. As I glanced back up, I saw Nathan out of the corner of my eye. Tom looked up too, "Hey look who's here Nath." He said grinning at me.

I shot him a quick smile and pulled my hand out of his.

"Hey Nath!" I said happily walking over to him. I tiptoed as I slipped my arms around his neck and hugged him.

"Hey bubbly." He chuckled hugging ne tightly.

I pulled away, "I brought everyone water bottles. I got you a special one though."

He followed me over to the table and grinned when I handed it to him. "Yes! The lion one!" He exclaimed.

I laughed, "It's a good thing that David doesn't use it anymore."

He laughed and nodded as he took a sip.

"Let's get moving!" I said jogging up the staircase with both of them following close behind.


"Ugh oh my word I'm so exhausted." I exclaimed throwing myself onto the grass.

It was so hot and we had finally put everything in the cars.

"Oh I know! It's bloody hot!" Nathan sighed plopping down beside me. He chugged his water and then laid back and closed his eyes.

I flipped over onto my tummy and looked at him. "Erm, Nath. I kinda forgot to get myself a bottle... Do you think I could maybe..." I trailed off as he chuckled.

He had slipped his sunglasses over his eyes but I could feel that he was watching me. "Obviously." He said passing it to me.

I grinned, "Life saver!" I breathed gulping it down.

"You two share drinks?" Tom asked sitting beside me.

Nath and I glanced at each other and shrugged, "All the time, why?" Nathan said looking past me at him.

"Just a bit odd, that's all." Tom said taking a sip of hs water and then glancing at me.

What did that look mean?!

I looked away and stood, "Off to your place now?" I asked reaching down for Nathan's hand.

He took it and stood beside me, "Yes let's get out of here." He said.

"Am I not getting helped up?" Tom called to me.

I giggled and walked over to him. As I leaned down he took my hand and whispered,"So are we going out this week or not?"

I glanced back at Nath quickly to see if he'd heard. I sighed in relief, he was checking his phone.

"Let's talk about this later Tom." I whispered pulling him up.


I groaned as I lifted a heavy box, "Where are those boys when I need them?!" I said blowing out a breath through my lips.

I stumbled my way to Nathan's room. I was struggling a lot. I grinned as a pair of strong arms took the box from me. I looked up into Tom's brown eyes.

"Well aren't you showing your chivalrous side today?" I said grinning at him.

"I can show it again tomorrow night if you let me take you out." He said putting the box down and taking my hand.

I took a deep breath and looked away, "You are making it really hard for me to say no."

He put his fingers under my chin and gently tilted my head toward him. "Now why would you want to say no gorgeous?" He asked quietly.

Oh my goodness, those freaking brown eyes.

Think Anne, what are your reasons?!

I was drawing a blank.

"I can't think of any reason to say no right now, so I'm just going to say yes before I comen to my senses." I said breathlessly.

He grinned, "Exactly what I wanted you to say. Can I pick you up around 7 tomorrow?"

I nodded and grinned, "Perfect."

He kissed my cheek and I grinned, he was so sweet!

Just then Nathan turned the corner laughing with Alyssa and Siva.

His laugh faded as his gaze landed on mine and Tom's hand.

Oh crap. There was my reason to say no. Nathan.

Hope you liked it!

So are you happy she said yes?!

Sad about Nathan??

I wanna know!

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