Auditions: Day One (Chapter 5)

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Chapter 5

~Auditions: Day One~

'Anne's POV'

"Nathan, calm down. You're going to be fine." I said grasping his hand in mine. He had been rapidly tapping his fingers against the armrest on his chair. It was starting to get just a bit annoying.

"Sorry." He said smiling sheepishly.

I squeezed his hand and grinned at him, "It's fine. But I promise you, you're gonna make it! They'd be crazy to say no."

He chuckled, "You have way too much faith in me bubbly." He said putting his arm around me.

"Well, it's because I love you Nath! You're my best friend." I said cuddling closer and grinning up at him.

He grinned down at me, "I love you too bubbly!"

As I was about to reply, a woman came out , "We're ready for you." She said to everyone.   Nathan and I both stood and he looked down at me nervously.

I reached up as far as I could and kissed his stubbly jaw, "You'll do great!" I said grinning at him.

He smiled, "Thanks and you know you don't have to stay here all day."

I grinned and pointed to my bag, which was full of magazines, "I've got things to entertain myself with, I'll be here all day."

He grinned and nodded, "I'll try to come out during the breaks. Just keep your fingers crossed bubbly."  

"Fingers, toes, everything." I called as he followed everyone inside.

He grinned at me once more before slipping through the door.

'Nathan's POV'

"This whole thing is pretty intense huh?" Someone with a strong bolton accent asked.  

I looked up and laughed, "Yeah it really is. I've never sang this, much in one day before."

He took a gulp of his water and nodded, "I know and this is only the beginning."

  I nodded, "I know, it's crazy. I'm Nathan by the way." I said sticking my hand out.

  He shook it, "I'm Thomas, but everyone calls me Tom. You have an awesome voice by the way." He said with a smile.

  "Nice to meet you. And thanks mate, yours is pretty wicked."   I took another gulp of water and looked up at the clock. We had 5 minutes left of our break.   "If you'll excuse me I need to go check on someone." I said making my way to the door.

  "Al'right." He said nodding.

  It had been nonstop chaos since I'd been back there. This was my first chance to see Anne. I smiled as I saw her. She had made herself comfy with her legs across the seat beside her and her head on one of my hoodies. She had her ipod on and a magazine in front of her.   To be perfectly honest, she looked adorable as usual. 

I sighed, sometimes it was ridiculously hard to keep from telling her how I felt. I had to though, things would change way too much if I told her.   I crouched in front of her and pulled the magazine down. I grinned when her deep brown eyes met mine. She looked irritated, but it disappeared when she saw who it was.  

"Nathan! Oh my goodness! How's it going back there?" She squealed pulling her earbuds out.

I laughed and lifted her legs from the seat and put them on me. We had lost our warm days and we were back to the cold rainy days we were used to. In order to stay warm she was wearing dark blue skinny jeans with her grey knit UGGS, a bright red cashmere sweater, and her black leather jacket.

I rested my hands on her legs and smiled at her, "It's actually going great bubbly. I'm loving every minute of it and they're giving really positive feedback." 

She grinned, "I knew they'd love you!" She sang happily.

"I already kind of made a friend too. His name's Tom and he's been getting really good feedback too."  

She giggled and pinched my cheek lightly, "Aw Nayf's making friends."

I laughed and swatted her hand away, "Whatever. I need to get back there. See you in a few hours." I said standing and giving her a quick hug.

"Have fun! Make good choices dear!" She teased as I walked away.

"You're going to pay for these comments later bubbly, I promise." I called back to her as I walked through the door again. Tom was leaning against the wall, "Ey mate." I said.

He looked up from his phone, "Hey Nathan. Look I've got to ask, where on Earth did you find that girlfriend of yours? Where I come from, no girl is that hot, adorable, and sweet at the same time." He said nodding his head toward the door I had just walked through.

I looked up and I saw that from the outside it was dark but on this side of the door and windows you could see the whole waiting room. I chuckled, "You're right about her being amazing, but she's not my girlfriend."

His jaw dropped, "Seriously?! Mate, why aren't you dating her?! I saw you two before and just now, you sure look like you're dating."

"We're best friends, it's been that way for years." I replied. Something about his surprise and excitement at my response unsettled me.

"Well damn, that's good news for me then." He said grinning to himself and walking back toward the group.

What the bloody hell did that mean? Oh dear Lord, he wanted her. He wanted to date my best friend. The exact best friend that I had feelings for.


Hey there everyone! Hope you liked it(: please let me know if I'm boring you! Send lots of feedback please! Thanks for reading xx

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