Chapter 8:Labyrinth

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This chapter is dedicated to PurpleKitten14 for helping me find inspration to continue the story as well as the people who have supported me so far. Thank you so much ^__^


"Nathan...." I said barely audible

Why was he here and why at this wedding? Adrian sensed my distress and pulled me close to him.

"'s been a while.I didn't know you two knew each other" he said while holding me protectively

"We're classmates; I never would have thought Nina would be your bride. It's a small world huh?"

"I guess it is... well since you found us, we better head back to the reception"

"Of course, but first I have something to say to Nina. Why don't you go back first"

"It would be odd if the groom came back without the bride"

"Well why don't you just give us some privacy for a while"

"Well why don't you..."

The tension in the air was thick and before this escalated any further I spoke up

"Adrian I'll be alright, just give me a few seconds..."

He gave me a worried look, but I gave him a small smile reassuring him I would be alright as he headed out of the labyrinth. Once he was out of sight I began to speak.

"I don't mean to sound rude, but what do you want?"

"Well first I wanted to apologize about last time when I accused you before getting the whole truth. I did some investigating and you weren't the one at fault. Cassidy isn't like that, usually she's a really nice girl"

"if you count a savage rabid badger nice..." I mumbled under my breath

"Excuse me" he asked confused

"Nothing... do continue"

"Well point is I'm sorry about that... another thing I want to talk about is why you suddenly married my cousin"

"Haven't you heard the story going around? We dated for months and we fell madly in love before he finally proposed..."

"You don't have to lie to me... I know that's not the truth. Not once have you showed any signs of liking anyone or even anything to say you were in a relationship. Then not long ago you confessed your feelings to me"

"You've been watching me?"

He blushed a little and coughed a bit before he said "not exactly.... but it's just that I noticed you were always alone and you didn't seem like the sort of girl who was in a happy relationship. Then there's the day that you confessed to me it just doesn't make any sense"

"Some one dared me to confess to you, I only played along and how I act is none of your concern" I said dryly

"We both know you're not that kind of girl so please don't lie to me. You can tell me the truth"

"Nathan, you don't know me, so don't tell me what sort of a person I am. Even if this marriage was a lie, there's nothing you can do about it so please just leave me alone" I said tiredly turning to leave

Before I could Nathan grabbed on to my arm stopping me

"Wait... just tell me, are you happy?"

"very..." I said shaking off his arm and walked away

Why would he care anyway, he had Cassidy. To him I was just another classmate. My stupid tears just had to fall and I hated myself for still having feelings for him. It just wasn't fair.

As I made my out of the labyrinth a pair of arms pulled me into hug

"Let's get out of here"

"but the guests.."

"I'll take care of it, let's just get you home"

I nodded as he made a call and walked me to the limo. We just sat in silence since he sensed that I didn't want to talk which was very considerate of him. When we finally arrived I took off the dreaded heels and pulled all the pins from my hair as the curls cascaded down my back. Once I made it to my room, I closed the doors and shed the constricting dress off my body.

I decided to take a much need shower. The hot water welcomed me and I suddenly felt all the tension I didn't know I had melt off my body. After washing off all the makeup and I was thoroughly cleaned, I wrapped myself with a fluffy bath robe and towel dried my hair.

As soon as I got out I heard a knock on my door

"Come in"

Moments later the door slowly opened and there stood Adrian in a pair of silk pajamas.

"Can I come in?"

I nodded as I went to sit on my bed and he followed behind taking a seat across from me as he grabbed a chair near my nightstand and sat down.

"I didn't mean to, but I overheard.... I was wondering if you needed someone to talk to"

I froze a bit hearing that he overheard my conversation with Nathan; I was frozen for a while and didn't say anything until he started to get up

"I'm sorry if I'm pushing you... it's just that talking usually helps Kendra and my mom so I thought..."

"No, it's fine.I was just surprised you over heard everything. You must think I'm pretty pathetic right?" I bitterly smiled

"Not at all, you can't help who you have feelings for.... So do you still have feelings for him?"

"It's stupid, but yes. It doesn't matter anyway...he already has Cassidy and look I'm a married women" I laughed a bit pointing to my ring

"It's not stupid to like someone and remember the married thing is temporary. Besides he was stupid not to choose you. I think you're an amazing person..."

"You hardly know me.."

"But I know enough to tell that you're a nice and thoughtful person. I mean what other person would bring an injured stranger into their house to make sure they're alright"

That brought a slight smile to my face as I looked at him.

"So tell me about this Cassidy"

"You met her already, remember the girl you stopped from hitting me"

"My cousin has the worst taste in women ever..." he made a face of disgust upon hearing about her.

I smiled at that and he smiled with me

"I'm going to leave now, get some rest you seem exhausted

"Good night Adrian"

"Night..." he said as he turned off the lights and closed the door.

Sprawled across my bed with the comforters draped over me, I slowly drifted off to sleep thinking about how complicated my life just got.

The Contract Bride (under construction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें