Chapter 3: Eat and Run

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On my way out of the restaurant, I asked the waiter to arrange a ride for Nina and to serve her dessert before leaving. After paying the tab I swiftly walked to my car and buckled in.

Not caring for the speed limit, I rushed to the hospital. Luckily, cops weren't nearby and aside from occasional honks and screams from other drivers I was safe. I know it's reckless to drive this way but no one could understand how worried I was.

Just last week, my father collapsed and this time I hear he's in the hospital. I knew I had to get there as soon a possible even if it meant a couple of speeding tickets. I quickly parked into the parking lot and dashed towards the elevators.

Frantically, I pushed the button for the 5th floor where the ICU is located. I was very impatient as the elevator seemed so slow. When the door finally opened I saw my cousin trying to sooth my mom who was crying hysterically.

When I got nearer,  she noticed me and clung on to my shirt as she stained it with her tears. Not knowing how to respond, I gently started to rub her back as she cried. My cousin shot me an empathetic look as he walked near me and patted my shoulder in sympathy.

From their reactions I was expecting the worst. I don't know how much time had passed, but by now my shirt was soaked through with my mother's tears. The entire area was quiet aside from the beeping of heart monitors and my mother crying.

At last the doctor came out announcing that my father was out of surgery and recovering.

"I assume you're the family" He said tiredly

We nodded and he continued "The surgery was successful and he is recovering, however only one person is allowed to see him" he said shooting us a sympathetic look. My mother stopped crying and I urged her to go. She wiped her tears and followed the doctor. After knowing my father was fine and my mother finally calm enough. I asked my cousin to send her home later as I needed to sort out unfinished business my father may have left behind.

I breathed out a heavy sigh and left the ICU towards my car. Once I started my car I turned on the radio as I drove out. It took me a while to notice that the song Piece by Piece playing and Nina came to mind. Turning on my blue tooth, I phoned my secretary

"Winnie, I need you to send a bouquet of flowers to this address" I instructed as I carefully repeated Nina's address and apartment number.

"Will that be all sir?" my secretary asked

"No, make sure to cancel my father's 2pm appointment and bring me the rest of his schedule for tomorrow"

"Will do sir, have a good night"

"Night" I responded hanging up

I hope that the flowers would be enough of an apology to Nina as I felt a bit bad for running out on her like that. She certainly was a sweet girl but I couldn't help but notice some sadness in her eyes. It's also peculiar for a high schooler to live alone as well.

I brushed the thoughts away as I know I had a lot of work to do once I got home.


True to his word Adrian ordered a ride for me as I stepped out of the warm restaurant and into the cold night air. It was very sweet of him to order me dessert as well and I couldn't help but think about if he was ok. Adrian was a really sweet guy and he made me feel a lot better after the incident with Cassidy.

Although, I think she'll give me hell for it tomorrow anyway, I wasn't going to back down and let her win. I got into the car that Adrian so kindly got for me and the driver drove me home seemingly knowing where to go.

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