Chapter 6:Dress up doll

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I was still half asleep barely noticing the bright rays of sunshine hitting my face. My wounds were still sore but Manageable. The bed was comfier than usual so it was especially hard for me to wake up. Just then, I felt my bed dip and something nudging me. Someone was planting tiny kisses on my face

"Stop it ...." I mumbled

it kept kissing my face so I sat up and opened my eyes to realize it was just a puppy.

"Well good morning to you too" I said patting the pup on the head with a smile

I rubbed my eyes a bit and saw Kendra's head peek through from the door.

"Morning Nina, I see you've met Vivi" she beamed

"I guess I have, and good morning to you." I said stretching before giving the pup a scratch behind the ears.

"Get ready! We're leaving soon" she said with mischief in her eyes

I nodded and she left the room with Vivi tailing behind. I popped into the shower real quick and brushed my teeth before throwing on a pair of jeans and a blouse that someone laid out for me on my bed. Since I couldn't go home yesterday, all my clothes and things were at the apartment.

With one last look in the mirror, I tied my hair up into a messy side bun before heading out the door. Outside, Kendra and Rebecca greeted me with bright smiles.

"Morning hun, must have been a tough night huh" she said sympathetically while staring at my bruises

"Not really, I'm not dead anyway so it's fine." I said shrugging.

She gave a quick frown before returning to her usual smile "We have a surprise for you sweetie!" she cooed

"We're going to Milan to get your Wedding dress!" Kendra squealed

"Isn't it a bit extreme to travel half way across the world for a dress"

"Nonsense silly girl, only the best for my future daughter in law" She said playfully slapping my shoulder.

Kendra pulled me towards the car as we drove to the airport; sure, it was fussy but who am I to say anything since they were practically off the walls happy. I spent most of time watching the movies they had and listening to Kendra talk about her boy crushes and how excited she was that Adrian was marrying me.

Apparently Adrian had quite a few exes that tried to tie him down with crazy schemes and some of them were actually quite amusing. Kendra mentioned an instance where one of the girls pretended to be underage and almost blackmailed him into marriage.

The one that struck me the most was Adrian's last girlfriend Odessa; apparently Adrian was really in love with her but she left him for her dream job as the main model of his rival company in Australia about a year ago. His father hated her and said she was too manipulative and shrew; Kendra didn't like her much either because she looked evil and was using Adrian.

"We are about to reach our destination, please return your seats into the upright position..." the speakers blared

I nudged a sleeping Kendra who had fallen asleep after talking for hours and helped her with the seatbelt.

Once we landed, we were guided out by a flight attendant with an obviously fake smile and headed towards the taxi that was waiting at the front gate.

I have to admit though; even though it was fussy, I'm glad they dragged me here because Milan was beautiful.

"Ooh ooh look Nina, isn't that pretty" she said pointing excitedly at a cathedral.

"Yeah..." I said admiring in awe of the architecture

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