Chapter 5:Unexpected Proposal

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I paced myself in the office as I talked to one of my contractors. I rubbed my temple and tried to smooth the crease on my forehead as I tried to deal with their incompetence. I had asked for them to use fiber glass doors instead of wooden ones but they somehow ended up ordering maple wood doors for the building of my new night club.

"I told you people the last time, I needed fiber glass doors, not wood!" I complained

"We're sorry sir, one of our new employees must of misheard, We'll fix it right away"

I sighed in anger and hung up. With my father in the hospital, I had to do my work along with his and I was lacking sleep. On some days I would forget to eat because of deadlines. I opened the curtains to my office to let in more light into the dim room.

Just then my sister Kendra bursted into my room and jumped excitedly near my desk.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I said slightly annoyed

"You're just too grumpy" she said wrinkling her nose

"What do you want Kendra" I said too tired to talk to her.

"I have a surprise!" She sang

I froze a bit then turned around as she sat in my chair with her angelic smile. The last time Kendra had a surprise for me, My car somehow ended up on a beach south of Mexico.

"What did you do?" I said narrowing my eyes at her accusingly

"Follow me!" she said pulling at my sleeve

I reluctantly followed her into her room as she told me to cover my eyes

"Why do I have to be blind again"

"Shhh... just wait" she said leading me further into her room

"okay open them!" she squealed

I opened my eyes and noticed a still figure on her bed breathing. Upon closer inspection ,I recognized the Chocolate brown curls and to my shock it was Nina

"What did you do?" I said glaring at her accusingly

"I brought her here! Duh"

"She's unconscious!" I whispered loudly

"Well I was afraid she wouldn't come otherwise" she said looking away with a mischievous grin on her face.

I sighed in disbelief at my sister and proceeded to chide her again but the bed creaked and a confused Nina slowly got up rubbing her eyes

"Where the heck am I?" she said shocked

I went up to her as her eyes went wide

"Is kidnapping girls a hobby of yours?" she said with her arms crossed

"Actually, you have my sister to thank for this crime. I'm very sorry by the way."

Nina breathed out a sigh and flopped back down on her pillow

"You people are impossible" she mumbled into her pillow

I let out a light laugh as Kendra approached her bedside.

"You're pretty" Kendra cooed

Nina slowly looked up at my sister as she looked at her in disbelief

"So why have I been kidnapped again for..." she said dramatically

"My stupid brother wouldn't let me meet you!" Kendra huffed

"So that's you reasoning?" Nina sighed in disbelief

"Well..... that and Adrian here hasn't been taking care of himself or eating. So I thought you can help him"

"Gee thanks Kendra, but next time try not to kidnap someone" I said playfully shoving her

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