Chapter 14: Found but Kind of Lost

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Hey guys I'm a terrible person... I haven't updated in forever and I'm super sorry >_< forgive this foolish writer! Please understand though because I have a demanding schedule with work and school. Sometimes I also just lack plain inspiration and don't know how to proceed with the story. I will do my best to update with out such long gaps. I appreciate everyone of you and thank you for sticking with me through this story!
It was just another Saturday afternoon. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping. Well you get the point; It was just a boring day. A week has passed since Adrian made a call to an old friend of his who works as a PI. I was getting more impatient as the days passed with no news. Truth be told, Adrian knew all the reports gathered but he told me to wait for the news. Being the big sweetheart that he is, he volunteered to join the search in hopes that he could convince my mother to see me. As he said "it's hard to say no to this handsome face", I nearly rolled my eyes out my head at his cockiness.

As excited as I was for his news, I was also bored to death at home. I never knew that being the wife of someone as rich as Adrian meant that everything is done for you. When I lived alone, I could preoccupy myself with chores or run errands like groceries. I could cook and garden if I wished to. However, since living here means everything is done by the servants, I have nothing to preoccupy myself with. When I tried to do just about anything, they would flurry around me in panic as though I did something audacious and proceed to shoo me away.

I've already read all the books I'm currently interested in, and I hate television so there was nothing I could think of to do. Many people seem to love shopping as entertainment but it bores me. I've even tried painting but I have no artistic talent what so ever and it all looked like blobs on a canvas so I gave up. It just makes me wonder how rich people aren't bored to death since everything is done for them!

As I laid on the couch staring at the ceiling and trying to figure out any activity I could do to ease the boredom, I thought of Adrian. He hasn't contacted me at all this whole week and at times like this when I'm not preoccupied, I think of him. Even though it's only been week, I couldn't help but really miss him. I realized that even when I'm doing nothing, I'm never bored when he's around. Somehow, he will always say or do something that fills the empty space and time.....I wonder if he misses me too?

I was completely spaced out staring at the ceiling that I jumped little when someone called my name.

"Ms. Nina, are you alright? You surprised me!" Said Alfred the head butler

" sorry Al I was distracted... anyway what's up?"

He coughed little and straightened up a bit like the proper person that he was. In the time I've spent here, I don't think I've once seen this man smile or slouch.

"There was a call from Mr. Adrian for you... if now is not good time I could..."

Before he could finish I rushed to the phone in his study and answered it immediately

"Hello! Are you ok? Have you been eating? Are you sleeping well? Why haven't you called me in a whole week!?!?"

On the other line I could hear him chuckling and I got little mad that he was laughing when I was so worried about him

" you're not gonna ask if I found your mother?"

For a second I had almost forgotten about that. The only thing on my mind was Adrian at that moment and it kinda amazed me that I actually cared more about him then the answers I've been searching for my whole life....

"I was worried you know..."

" about your mother?"

" no stupid, about you...."
The phone was quiet for a bit until I hear him let out a breath

" you're more worried about me then the answers you've been searching for your whole life?" He asked as though he could't believe it.

I was also a little surprised too.... I didn't think I would actually love him that much so fast.

"Of course you idiot.... you didn't call for a whole week! I'm a littles pissed!"

" sorry love, I was working hard because I wanted to get back to you as soon as possible with good news"

I'm pretty sure my heart melted at that and I couldn't feel the frustration I felt earlier.

"The news is important... but you're way more important!" I blushed a little saying that, but it was the truth.

The line on the other end was completely silent again and I almost thought he hung up until he said

" Do you want me to have diabetes with how sweet you are love? Cause I'm pretty sure I'm dying over here."

I rolled my eyes hard at the diabetes comment and asked " so what's the info?"

" well we found her...."

Excitement and hope built up in me and I couldn't wait for him to finish whatever he was gonna say.

"And?!?! Where is she? Can I see her? What did she say!?!?"

He chuckled a little at my excitement " well it's complicated...." what did he mean by complicated? Either he found her or he didn't.

" you see when I spoke to her she was a bit hostile until I kinda name dropped a bit and then she was all ears... she wants to meet you...."

"That's great news! So why do you sound more anxious than me?"

"Well, she has a daughter... your half sister to be exact."

" I've always wanted siblings so what's so I don't see what's so bad about that?"

He hesitated for bit until I prodded him on...

"Your sister.... she's Odessa"

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