Chapter 16: Missing You

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       I was in front of the house and he stood there leaning against the door frame with a raised brow

" well, well, look who decided to show up? Haven't seen you since the wedding and haven't heard a peep from you!"

I winced a bit knowing that I was in  the wrong. If it wasn't for that playful smirk on Kyle's face, I would have thought he was seriously mad at me.

" Sorry... a LOT has happened and I've been preoccupied... but I'm here now! I'm sure you have a lot of questions"
he rolled his eyes at me and made way gesturing for me to enter the home

" mom and dad are in the kitchen. You came in at the right time cause we are having your favorite pot roast for dinner."

I smiled thankfully at him and stepped in. Not even a second later I heard the fluttering of Marissa's foot steps before she catapulted herself towards me and hugged me for dear life.

"We missed you so much sweetie! Look how thin you've gotten! Are they even feeding you!? Why haven't you come around? Did you miss us? It's been too long!"

"Oh Marissa let the poor girl breathe. She's probably just busy enjoying married life. Remember how busy we were when we first got married?" Flint said while prying her away from me and kissing her temple

"Ewww... TMI, did not need to hear that!" Kyle cringed and made a gagging gesture

"Oh hush sweetheart, how did you think you were made?" Marissa said sweetly

"Lalalala I can't hear you!!" Kyle childishly said while covering his ears and running to the living room

" oh that boy is so sensitive... anyway dear, you're staying for dinner! No objections! It's been too long!"

" I wouldn't miss your pot roast for the world Marissa"

She smiled warmly at me and gently shoved me towards the dining table. The smell of the delicious pot roast made me practically drool. Nobody makes a meaner pot roast than Marissa. As we all seated down to dinner, I didn't even get a chance to lift a fork before Marissa piled my plate with a huge chunk of beef and some hearty potatoes and carrots.
I knew they were all anxious about what I had to say but they were so patient in allowing me to break the ice that I decided to just bring it up then and there.

"So I know you were all surprised about my sudden marriage..."

"No duh..." Kyle exclaimed before given a glare by Marissa

" you were saying dear?"

"Well, I think you guys deserve the truth...."

I then went on to explain everything from the moment I met Adrian to the proposal from his dad.
They didn't interrupt me once and listened intently. When I finished speaking, they were silent and I assumed they were disappointed in me. Before I could apologize, Kyle breathed out a sigh and said
"Yeah.... we kinda already guessed something was fishy with this whole sudden whirlwind romance turned marriage but wooooow, we did not see that coming."

"Sweetie, you're ok with this? This whole forced marriage?" Marissa asked concerned

"Do I need to talk to this Adrian?" Flint asked protectively
I was so relieved they weren't judging me....

" well, it started as a contract... but we actually ended up falling in love, so I guess this marriage isn't a complete sham."

"So you're happy right?" Kyle asked


"Good, now I don't have to beat him up..."

"You don't even have the muscles to tip him over" I rolled my eyes

"I'll have you know I can currently lift 50 pounds in weights now!" He gasped in an offended tone dramatically

" a grandma could lift more than that you dork" I teased playfully.
He glared at me for a while before we somehow both bursted into laughter.

"Well since it all worked out in the end and you're safe and happy, that's all that matters" Marissa said with a relieved sigh

"If that boy ever makes you cry, this old man will gladly have a talk with him"

"You're not THAT old Flint, but thanks" I said giving him and Marissa a hug

The night ended in us catching up and a rematch in the racing game I beat Kyle in the last time. Needless to say, I won.
I felt so much better after clearing the air with them. Today was the day that Adrian would be returning home and I decided to surprise him with a home cooked meal. The servants were of course hesitant to let me do anything again and tried to shoo me away again but I stubbornly held my ground. I was technically a master of this house so I in a way I get to make the rules. Once I asserted that, they finally relented and let me do as I please.
If I knew it was as easy as that, I would have done it ages ago and not be so bored all the time. I contemplated on what to make Adrian as I wanted to make the best meal I could for him to show my appreciation.

He seems to like French cuisine, seeing as he's part French. I thought back to our first dinner together when he had wanted to thank me for saving his life. If I remembered correctly he ordered beef bourguignon and told me it was his favorite dish growing up. I know that dish takes a long time to cook so I'm glad I had the whole day to make it.
Luckily, I had all the ingredients I needed in the kitchen. I started prepping all the ingredients and started building the flavors. With that done, all I needed to do was be patient as it cooked. This dish requires slow cooking temperature and a long amount of time. While I was waiting for the dish to cook, I got started on dessert. The salad could be made later in the day as it needed to be fresh.
Since Adrian loved apples, I decided to make a French apple tart. We had an ice cream machine so I thought I would put it to use. After all, a hot and fresh apple tarte would pair well with some homemade vanilla frozen custard. The crust was the most time consuming part but once it was assembled, I layered thinly sliced apples into the shape of  rose and added the finishing touches before shoving it in the oven.

The base of the custard was pretty easy and I was ecstatic to find whole vanilla beans in the cupboard as it tastes so much more richer and decadent than vanilla extract. Everything was coming together nicely and I was grinning trying to imagine what his reaction would be.

I really hope he'll like it. I'm pretty confident in my culinary skills, but he's a pretty picky eater so there was a bit of anxiety about wether he would like it or not.
With the sky turning dark, I set up everything and lit some candles, and dimmed the lights. I even played some soft jazz in the background. As you can tell, I was really trying to set a romantic mood.  Just as I lit the last candle, I heard his car pulling up and the door closing. The buzz of excitement at his reaction was palpitating. As the door opened he called my name

" I'm in the dining room!" I said excitedly

I waited with bated breath as he finally came into view. His mouth hung a little open at the meal before him

"What's all this?" He asked surprised

" well this is a thank you for all you've done, but it also means something more"

"More?" He asked with a raised brow

"Well, I just realized you've never asked me out on a an actual date... I thought instead of you asking, I would make this a thank you gift as well as a date... you know kill two birds with stone" I said shyly biting my lip

"'re too perfect. I can't believe I never asked you on an actual date by now?!? How did I get so lucky to have you" he smiled gently at me and kissed my forehead

It was then that I realize I didn't even change into a nice outfit yet. I was still in a frumpy and baggy t-shirt with  flannel pants.

"Crap, I'm dressed like a hobo for our date!"
He chuckled lightly and and grabbed my wrist to stop me from rushing upstairs to change into something sexier

" you could be in a potato sack and I would still find you more attractive than a Victoria Secret Model love... come let's sit down and enjoy the meal you worked so hard on"

Tonight was going to be a wonderful night....

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