Chapter 12: Icy

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YES!!! I finally updated!! Thank you all for being so patient with me I know my updates are like super slow but you know how life and school gets you. Anyway thank you for being patient and here is a new chapter. Hopefully this will satisfy you guys until next update. Once again I love you all and thank you for your continual support! <3

2 million.... That was the price that Adrian paid for the pendant. It was a record price at the auction and as everyone congratulated him and commended him for his bid in the charity auction but I just felt cold. I could not fathom why he would spend so much on me. Why did he have to be so nice to me? Wasn't he in love in Odessa? So many questions swam through my head and once again I just stayed silent through it. Having enough of the various emotions that were swarming my heart and the millions of questions assaulting my mind, I knew a needed to get away and just be by myself to think.

So I did what I thought was most logical, I walked away. I released myself from Adrian's hold leaving him confused as  I simply walked away from the crowd and into the lobby which was quite abandoned at the moment. I didn't realize where I was walking or where I was walking to, but I knew I needed to be alone. I almost didn't hear Adrian calling out to me or the fact that he swung me around to face him.

He had a worried look on his face as I just stared blankly at him.


"Why what?" he had confused

"Why are you being so good to me...just why?"

"Because you are my wife..."

That's when I became angry "Stop it! Just Stop it! Stop being so nice to me when you don't love me! Don't give me false hope when you and I both know you still love Odessa. Just please stop treating me like your wife when we both know I'm a fake..." I cried as I ran far from him.

These days all I've been doing is running but that's all I know how to deal with things. I knew I was a coward and this running was getting old, but what could I do when I didn't know how to face my feelings for Adrian. The pain of seeing the one you love be in love with another while still treating you as though you were the one they love was too painful. How in the world was I supposed to deal with that? The fact was that I didn't and running was the only logical explanation in my mind. So I ran as far I could in my evening gown.

It must have looked pretty funny to see a girl in an evening dress all dolled up and running like a mad woman in the streets, but I didn't care, I just wanted to run. With my lungs aching for oxygen and my legs tired from running, I could focus on something else other than my thoughts and that was alright with me. When I finally stopped, I ended up in the last place I thought I would. It was the old Ice-skating rink that my mother once brought me to when my father was still around and everything was good. This was the place where I had my happiest memory. It was a pretty old ice skating rink that was run by an elderly man who was widowed. The rink used to belong to his wife and when she died he took over running it

"sorry miss we are closed for the weekend and I'm pretty sure you won't be able to skate in that dress" The owner said breaking me away from my thoughts.

"Hi Mr. Hollaway it's been years...."

He looked at me thoughtfully before realization dawned on him

"Well if it isn't little old Nina Frost, I haven't seen you since you were a little girl!" He said with a smile.

"Yes that's me..."

"How is your family? You haven't come by in years"

"They.... I don't see them anymore" I said sadly with some bitterness to it

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