Chapter 15: Pedo Bear

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Hi everyone, I bet you were all surprised last chapter! I may have felt a little evil...but I'm not THAT mean, so I wrote this chapter real quick so you're not too anxious. ENJOY!!! Once again thank you all for your support!
"Are you a pedo?" I deadpanned

" What?!? Nooooo.... what makes you say that!!?"

" Well my mom left when I was around 5 and if she had Odessa, even if it was right after she left me, she would have still been 5 years younger than me. Since I'm 18 she must be 13.... even though I must say she looks nothing like a 13 year old when I saw her"

"I see your point but truth is... she's actually 5 years OLDER than you...."

"Wait...that would mean..."

"Your mom cheated on your dad...."

I paused a bit and was was shocked to the core. Was this the reason why they fought all the time? She had an affair!?!? She blamed me for Dad leaving all these years and it was her all along!?! I was fuming and my nails were digging into my palms but the pain didn't register.

" love, are you ok?"

Adrian's voice brought me back from my thoughts and my voice shook more than I would have liked answering him

"You're telling me... my mother married her lover and was cheating on my dad before I was even born?"

He heaved a sigh on the other side and answered what I didn't want to believe. He confirmed that my mother indeed had an affair and even produced a child before I was even born.

" Are you sure you really want to see her? Are you prepared for what she has to say love?" He asked concerned

I paused for a moment, and as angry as I was, I was a thousand times more curious about the truth. Seems like things weren't as simple as I first assumed.

"Yes..." I replied

" ok then I'll set up the meeting... do you need me to be there? If you do I'll support you all the way"

He was so sweet to offer and as much as I would have loved for him to support me in this confusing situation, I knew I had to do this alone.

"I have to do this alone.... it's time I faced my demons."

"Anything for you love... just know that I'm here"

" thank you Adrian... this means a lot."

"Anything for you love, I'll text you the details when I get them"

And with that we hung up and I was trembling from anxiety, anger, and anticipation. This new revelation left me shaken and more confused than ever. Questions were swirling in my head but I knew I had to selective with them. My mother was not a patient person and I knew that if I bombarded her with too much she would shut down and leave.

     That was why I had to narrow them down to the most important questions. The only problem was...what's important?
      Two days later, Adrian finally messaged me with the details. My mother and I were to meet at a cafe two towns over a week from now. I had no idea she was actually this close.... I also wasn't sure if I was ready all of a sudden. Anxiety was building up in me and fear crept in.

        Somewhere inside me, I knew I wouldn't like the answers I would get and I don't think I'm going to be prepared for this conversation. There was so much I wanted to ask, but I managed to narrow them down to the ones that plagued me the most. The revelation that Odessa was actually my older sister shocked me. I was also a little jealous that she had it all.

     She had my mother's love, a complete family, and as much as I tried not to, I was jealous that Adrian once loved her. I know I shouldn't be jealous because I'm blessed in my own way. I may not have my biological family with me, but Flint and Marissa were like my mom and dad. I even had the annoying older brother role filled by Kyle. Besides even if Adrian did love Odessa it's in the past, I'm the one he loves now. Plus if I had it my way, I would also be the only one he will love in the future.

     These thoughts warmed me and made me feel less bad. I suddenly realized I hadn't spoken to Kyle, Marissa, and Flint in a while because I felt guilty about lying to them about my relationship with Adrian. I'm a terrible liar so I'm pretty sure they caught on, but kept quiet for my sake. I guess it's about time I came clean with the truth and visited them. After all they're my family and I missed them.

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