Chapter 13: Operation: Phantom Mother

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Chapter 13

Hey guys! I know I haven't posted in what seems to be forever and I'm really sorry. It's just my hectic work schedule and writer's block has me struggling to write new chapters. I didn't plan to post this chapter until I was done with the whole book. My original plan was to write the whole book and then release two chapters a week  so you guys would get consistent update, but alas things don't always go according to plan.... since I feel so bad about keeping you all waiting; I've decided to post this chapter as a sneak preview on what's to come in the future. Thank you all!

I was giddy and exhilarated with joy that Adrian returned my feelings. I'm just sitting in bed spazzing like I'm having seizures just remembering that kiss at the ice skating rink yesterday. I know I'm a total spazz and probably look ridiculous with all the squealing  and flopping around but I didn't care.

I never knew having someone return your love could feel this... good. What's more, he called us husband and wife! I ended up not sleeping all night as I replayed the scene in my mind. Even though I didn't sleep, I didn't feel at all groggy. It was like gave me a dose of caffeine which was directly injected into my veins. Is this what love does?

I was deep in thought and about to spazz again when there came a knock at my door.
"Hey, are you awake?" Said Adrian behind the door. I suddenly bolted up like a meerkat and fixed my messy hair.

"Yeah, come in!" I said while trying to make my self as presentable as I could.

Adrian opened the door and as cheesy as it sounds, his smile rivaled the sun in its brilliance. My heart just melted at the way he looked at me. Ever since our confession, the atmosphere around us just changed and I was even more conscious of myself. I never used to care about how I looked in front of others, but in front of Adrian I wanted to always look my best.

" I forgot to give you something last night" he said making his way towards me and snapping me out of my daze.

I mean can you blame me? He was too handsome for his own good. I can't believe I just noticed this! Was I blind as a bat or what?!

I must have been lost in my thought again because next thing I know, he's really close to my face. I thought he was going to kiss me again so I closed my eyes.

After what seemed like a while and the kiss didn't come, I began to wonder what he was up to. Then I heard a light chuckle and his warm breath in my ear as he whispered " turn around and keep your eyes closed"

My heart was palpitating at this point and I'm pretty sure a deep blush stained my cheeks. I did as he told and turned around with my eyes closed. I felt him lead me somewhere and then the sound of a box opening. I jumped a little when I felt his fingers graze against my neck and shoulders to brush my hair to one side.

"Adrian.... what are you up to?" I said nervously

"Patience love..." I could almost see the teasing smile he has on his face right now

I then felt something cold on my skin and his fingers brushing my nape to secure the cold metal around my neck.

"Ok, open your eyes...."

I slowly opened them to see myself standing in front of a mirror. The jewel around my neck sparkled in the morning sun. It took a while until it finally registered that this was the pendant from the auction. In other words, it was my mother's pendant....

"I know you were mad about me spending money on that for you, but I couldn't forget the look of fascination in your eyes when you saw the pendant. I knew it had to be yours"

I melted at the grin he gave me but I heaved a sigh....

"You don't like it?" he asked confused

"It's not that... it's just..."

"You look sad... can I ask why?"

It was then that I decided it was time to tell Adrian about the story of my mother and how she left. I sat him down on the bed and began the story from how my mother met my father and had me and why they both left me. It was a story I never thought I would ever tell anyone. Pity was the last thing I wanted and honestly I was embarrassed by it. After all, I was horrible enough for both parents to want to leave me....

" your parents are idiots... how could they leave such an amazing girl behind!"

" it was my fault... I never should have been born. They fought because of me and I was just an added burden..." by this point I wasnt saddened by this fact, I was just accepting it as truth.

He was quiet for a while and a nagging negative thought hung in the deep corners of my mind that maybe he thought I wasn't worth it anymore just like my parents....

He heaved a sigh and held my hand with his left one and his right hand tilted my chin up to meet his eyes.
    " you are so special, do you know that? I can't fathom why anyone would want to leave you but I'll tell you this now; it is not your fault. Clearly your parents have issues and it sounds to me like they took it out on you. You were only a kid and did what children your age would do. Don't blame yourself...."

Upon hearing that I felt tears roll down my face and he gingerly swiped them away from my cheeks.

" I...I've heard it before... but it's so hard to believe you know? I guess this is why I've been trying to locate my get closure I guess"

"I'm guessing you haven't been successful?" He said while pulling me into a hug

" it's just strange... I've hired all the private investigators in this city, yet they all came empty handed. It's like she's a ghost that doesn't exist.... but this pendant you bought me... it belonged to her originally."

"And your guessing that since all donations from that charity had to be verified by the original owner in person, that she's still in the city?"


He had a thoughtful look on his face and then opened his mouth to say " I think I may have a theory as to why those private  investigators came up empty.... and you may not like it."

I tilted my head in curiosity and was about to ask what he meant when he spoke again " I think she may have paid off those private investigators to hide herself from you"

I speculated this may have been this case but I also didn't want to believe it. Why did my mother want to avoid me so terribly. Was I that much of a burden?

"Don't look so sad, it pains me to see you so upset. I will hire the best private investigator I know; one that can't be paid off." He suggested with a hopeful gaze

I brightened at that thought. Maybe with Adrian helping me, I'll have a better chance at finding my mother.

" thank you... this means more to me than you know"

"I know love, I just want to keep you happy" he smiled lovingly at me.

How did I get so lucky? He was simply too perfect to be true. I must have had the goofiest grin on my face as I launched my self at him into a hug. He chuckled lightly at me, clearly amused with my actions.

Perhaps I might finally get the closure I need from my mother. Maybe this time around I won't come up empty handed. The excitement and anxiety has me humming with a renewed determination. Operation: phantom mother is a go!

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