Chapter 1

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Hey guys thx for reading my newest fanfic!!! I'll let you get to reading!! ;)
Ash woke up and rubbed his sore eyes. Pikachu was lying on his stomach and he gently pushed it off of him and he slithered out of his sleeping bag. The campfire was out and Brock was snoring nearby. Misty was sleeping peacefully in her sleeping bag with Psyduck snoring loudly on her belly. Her newest addition to her family, a Vaporeon, was curled up on the curve of her stomach. Ash shook his head and walked over to the fire. It still held some warmth and he crouched and held out his hands to the fire. He glanced towards Misty and remembered with a smile the first day that they met.


     "Sorry need to borrow this!" Ash called to a red-headed girl with a spiky hairdo. She noticed him and anger flashed in her cerulean eyes.
     "Hey you jerk gimme that back!" She yelled as Ash pedaled away quickly. (After the whole Pikachu saving thing)
     "You owe me a new bike you know that? And to make sure that you gimme one I'm going with you to the Cerulean City Gym!" The red-head whose name was Misty told Ash. Ash shrugged and started to head off in the direction of the gym.

(Flashback ends)

Ash chuckled softly remembering that fateful day. Since then Brock had tagged along with them and the three of them had become the best of friends. But Ash knew something different was going on with him and Misty. A different kind of relationship that a 10 year old shouldn't have. Yet. Misty was already turning 15 but Ash knew he was always staying 10. His mind aged but his body definitely stayed 10. Ash sighed and poked the fire with a stick. God why was life so hard? All he wanted was to become a pokemon master. No wait he wanted Misty.
     "Ugh here I go again." Ash muttered and Pikachu came up to him and cuddled in his arms.
     "How long have you been up?" Brock asked and Ash turned to meet the former gym leader. He was tapping his toe on the ground and was waiting for an answer. Ash heaved and got himself up.
     "An hour I think. Why?" Ash asked.
     "You were supposed to wake me up because we needed to leave early to get a headstart on the way to Lavender Town."
     "Oh. I forgot sorry." Ash apologized and Brock gave him a disbelieving sniff. Brock turned and got his supplies out to start cooking.
     "What are you two arguing about now?" A soft yet tired voice said. Ash turned to see the love of his life tiredly glancing at the two of them. Exhaustion was evident in Misty's beautiful cerulean eyes and Ash shoved down the urge to cuddle her.
     "Nothing important." Ash croaked and Misty sighed.
     "Is Brock making food? I'm starving!" Misty said and Ash nodded weakly. Misty gave him a weird glance and strode over to the pot where Brock was making them curry.
     "You won't be able to keep your feelings a secret for long." Brock whispered next to Ash's ear. Ash was lost in thought, staring at Misty with a lovesick smile. Brock sighed and smacked him on the head with his frying pan (or drying pan lol).
     "OW!! What the heck was that for?!" Ash exclaimed and rubbed the sore spot on his head.
     "Language mister! Anyways the curry is ready and I've got the pokemon food ready for our pokemon so let's dig in!" Brock said, distributing everyone a plate of food. Ash settled down on the grass next to Pikachu, who was smothering his food in ketchup. Ash gave a sick face to Pikachu's food and started to wolf down his food.
     After everyone was done eating, they packed up and headed into the forest to continue their adventure.

My Real Quest (An Ash and Misty fanfic) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now