Chapter 8

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Misty was breathing heavily as her and Ash stumbled to a halt in front of Brock. His eyes widened seeing their shocked faces and Noni beat up behind them.
     "May I ask what the heck happened while you were away?!" Brock asked and surveyed the group. He shook his head and mumbled. "I'm taking you all to the Pokemon Center and hopefully they can treat you all there. And might I ask who this beautiful lady is?" He smiled and held out a hand to Noni. She gave a pained smile and didn't accept his handshake.
     "You're Brock right? Ash told me all about you when I was traveling with him. The name's Noni. Champion of Alola and now can you take us to the Pokemon Center?" She asked as more blood started to pour out of her wounds. In a flash they were all at the Pokemon Center.
     "Uh Brock? Please tell me that you teleported us here." Misty asked and kept looking around anxiously.
     "No I actually have no idea how we got here so fast." He replied, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. A "Haunt!" answered all of their questions. A Haunter floated near them looking embarrassed. Ash widened his eyes as a thump was heard. Noni had fainted to the ground but Brock had caught her.
     "Hey can we get a nurse over here?" Brock yelled and Nurse Joy and a Chansey came in a rushed Noni and Misty and Ash's pokemon away and gave Ash and Misty each a blanket and told them to get some rest to get the shock of the day off their shoulders. Misty laid down on a couch  but Ash kept pacing in front of the door.
     "You know she is in the safest hands possible. All we have to do is wait and then we'll be fine. Brock promised us that he'd wake us if she came out or just for news. Just come lay by me, ok? It'll all be better, you'll see." Misty said and Ash reluctantly stopped pacing and sat by Misty on the couch that they were sharing. Misty took a deep breath and gently laid her head on Ash's shoulder. He tensed and her heart pounded while she waited for his reaction. She pretended to be sleeping but kept one eye open and saw Ash sigh softly. He wrapped and arm around her and pulled her closer to him. Then he pulled the blankets over them and gently kissed Misty's forehead.
     "Goodnight my love." He whispered and fell asleep on her. Her dreams were filled with happy thoughts that she knew could never happen.
     Misty woke to soft breathing ruffling her hair. She opened her eyes and saw that Ash and her had changed positions. Now Ash was flat on his back with his arms around Misty who was on top of him. She was scooted a couple of inches downward so that her head laid on his chest. She laid on him for awhile, savoring the warmth that his body gave out and the feeling of being embraced in his arms. Hm let's be daring for once, Misty thought and lifted her head so that it was near his face. Oh god what am I thinking?! Misty screamed internally but it didn't stop her from planting her lips on his and giving him a soft kiss. She felt his whole body awaken and his eyes flew open in shock. She parted the kiss and stared into his deep brown eyes.
     "M-misty? What was that for?" He asked, obviously flustered from what had just occured only moments ago. His face burned red and she laughed softly.
     "Oh I dunno. A thanks for saving me yesterday." She said and stopped as he did what she wasn't expecting. He planted his lips on her neck, as she had lifted her head to talk without breathing into his face. Misty tensed and became bright red as he kissed a single spot over and over again and couldn't stop the moan that came out when he nibbled it. He stopped and realized what he did and sat up quickly, crashing into Misty headfirst.
     "Ow..." Misty said rubbing the sore spot on her jaw.
     "Yeah your head is like a rock!" Ash said, rubbing his forehead.
      "It is not!" Misty said hotly to Ash's delight. Ash laughed and Misty smiled and got off of him as Brock was approaching. He eyed the two of them and noticed Misty's bruise, now starting to turn purple. She quickly tried to cover it and Brock laughed.
     "So what happened? Will she be alright?" Ash asked anxiously. Again a feeling of jealousy ran through Misty but then she blocked it out. If Ash was really falling for that champion, he probably wouldn't have kissed Misty on the neck.
    "Yes she'll live. They're more concerned about who caused the wounds. Would you like to tell me everything that happened?" Brock asked them. 
     "Wait for me. I must tell you about me." A hoarse voice said. Noni stood in the entryway with multiple bandages and a slight half smile. Ash ran over to her and hugged her as tears streamed out if his eyes.
     "I-I thought you weren't going to make it." He sobbed and Misty's heart broke in two. She yearned to comfort him but Noni was stroking his hair gently.
     "Peace little one. I'm alive aren't I? It was going to take a lot more than some numbskulls to kill me." He nodded and wiped the tears from his eyes. Noni noticed Misty's uncomfort when she stroked Ash. "May I talk to you in private, Misty?" Noni asked. Misty nodded and they both walked a few paces away from the group.
     "Is this about Ash? Because I'm not upset if he likes you or anything." She said quickly and Noni managed a hoarse laugh.
      "Do you really believe that? Your heart is already his and his heart already belongs to you." She said.
     "We can't though! Ash is destined to be 10 forever and I'm 15 so that couldn't work out!" She wailed. A stinging slap forced her back to her senses. Noni's eyes were clearly annoyed.
     "Oh Arceus help me not strangle her," Noni murmured, "Now it's not about him that I'm talking to you about. Guzma is clearly trying to kill Ash and I won't be here very long to help watch him." Before Misty could ask what she meant she continued. "Your job is to protect Ash as much as you can. I have a feeling that Guzma won't lay in the shadows for long before he strikes again. This seems to urgent for Guzma to just have revenge and I'm pretty sure that Giovanni is behind all of this. I want you to promise me one thing Misty. You must protect him at all costs. Here have this as a memory of me," Noni handed her a ring. It was carved with the symbol of protection in the form of Tapu Bulu's symbol. Misty took it and slipped it on her finger.
     "It's beautiful." Misty said in awe.
     "Yes it is. My boyfriend gave it to me. He always said that it would give me protection but I don't need to anymore." Noni said sadly.
     "I promise. I won't let you down." Misty said.
     "I know you won't. You know you remind me of my little sister. Shame I won't see her again. And thank you." Noni whispered with a tear in her eye and as magically as she had come she started to fade away. Until Champion Noni was no more. Ash walked over and saw that Noni had disappeared.
     "Where'd Noni go?" He asked.
     "She wasn't really here. She was just a spirit that got stuck in this world and to be freed she needed to complete whatever she didn't when she was alive." Misty murmured softly. She turned to Ash who had just realized what happened. Tears shone and he blinked them away. "She gave me this ring to remember her by. And a promise that I must fulfill." Misty said and hugged Ash. She looked up to the ceiling. "She will never be forgotten as long as we remember her." Misty said.

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