Chapter 12

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Misty woke up from a deep slumber. She sat up, yawned and stretched. Last night's dreams had been very confusing to her. At one moment she thought that she had seen Ash in a pool of blood and Guzma's cackling was in the background but then she had seen Ash encased in a glowing light and a fifteen year old Ash was standing there instead, handsome as ever and without any wounds. Misty shook her head and started to roll up her sleeping bag and prepare her things for travel. They were almost to Saffron City and Misty could feel Ash's excitement. It was quite contagious as she felt a little bubbly herself. Speak of the devil, Misty thought as Ash woke up and yawned. Pikachu was running around, eager to get moving.
Brock was already up and making them a quick breakfast whilst his Geodude packed up his things.
     "What's for breakfast?" She asked after she finished packing her things. A piping hot omelette was placed in front of her nose.
     "Omelettes! Which are my specialty." Brock said and handed Ash a plate with an omelette. He accepted it and Misty watched him scarf the whole thing down. Vaporeon nudged her leg which snapped her out of her gaze. Vaporeon sat next to her and pawed at her food.
     "Sorry buddy but this is mine to eat." Misty said with a chuckle and wolfed down her food. The pokemon were fed and the campfire was extinguished. They all began walking towards the direction of Saffron City.
     At about noon, they reached the city. It's huge! Misty thought as she herself had never been to Saffron City.  Buildings towered up into the sky but at the heart of the city was a small building where the gym was. The Silph co building was right next to it and Ash grabbed Misty's arm.
     "Come on! We're almost there!" He said with a grin that made Misty's heart melt. She took off after him and found herself laughing at his eagerness. By the time they reached the gym, both were out of breath and giggling. Brock stumbled behind them and was wheezing whilst Vaporeon ran behind him carrying a bag. They all regained breath and went inside the gym. They looked around, lost for a moment when a deep voice sounded behind them.
     "Are you all here to challenge the gym?"
     "No just me." Ash said and they all had turned around. The man surveyed him with disgust and stalked away, beckoning them. Ash shrugged and set off behind the man and Misty and Brock followed. They a reached a giant door and the man stopped. He turned to all of them.
     "If you aren't challenging, please head in through that door." He said and motioned to another smaller door. Brock headed inside and Misty hesitated.
     "Good luck Ash." She said and turned to meet his glowing brown eyes.
     "Don't worry! I've got this! Haunter will wipe the floor with him!" Ash said and gave Misty's arm a reassuring touch. She smiled and before she knew it, she had placed a good luck kiss on his lips. She pulled away and hurried quickly to the bleachers where Brock sat with a smirk.
     "Shut up or else I will have Vaporeon Hydro Pump you." Misty said, burning with embarrassment. Brock laughed and they both turned to watch the battle commence.

My Real Quest (An Ash and Misty fanfic) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now