Chapter 13

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Ash felt his lips after Misty had ran away and a soft smile crept on them. God was she cute when she blushed, he thought. He shook himself out and faced the door. The man opened the door and bright light blinded Ash for a moment. His eyes adjusted and he stepped onto the battlefield. A woman was at the other end of it and she looked like she was sleeping. As soon as Ash stopped walking, her eyes flew open. She stretched and levitated close to him.
     "I am Sabrina, leader of the Saffron City Gym. You wish to challenge me yes? If you insist, I will battle bit be prepared to lose as I won't be beaten." Sabrina said with a voice that seemed to old for her and she levitated back to position. The referee called the rules and shouted, "Begin!". Ash tossed out Haunter and Sabrina chose her Jynx. It was defeated easily and the pattern continued for her other three Pokemon. She tossed out Alakazam and that's when the real battle began. Alakazam fired a Psybeam at Haunter which he dodged easily and countered with Shadow Ball. At the last second Alakazam countered it with a Psyshock and a cloud of smoke filled the arena. Ash coughed and saw Haunter coughing as well. Ash faintly saw a Psybeam coming towards Haunter and he shouted a warning but it was too late. Haunter was hit and was thrown back a ways before it fainted. Ash cursed and returned Haunter.
     "Good job buddy. Now you can get some much needed rest." Ash whispered and started to search through his pokeballs. He growled when none of them were going to help them.
     "Are you going to give up? Because it would seem such a shame for that poor Haunter to have such a worthless trainer." Sabrina taunted. Ash was about to give a stinging retort when Sabrina's words really hit him. She's right, he thought. I'm not good enough for him. He ducked his head as a single tear rolled down his cheek and fell into the floor.
     "Stop!" Misty's voice said with anger. Ash looked up and saw her climbing over bleachers to the battlefield. She stopped right in front of Sabrina as amusement lit Sabrina's eyes. "I don't know who you think you are but nobody calls my Ash a worthless trainer." Misty ranted for about 5 minutes about how no one called Ash a worthless trainer. Ash stood stunned as after Misty finished. Misty was panting from talking so much and her eyes still lit with anger. Sabrina sighed and handed Ash the badge.
     "Here. Take it so your girlfriend here can shut up." Sabrina said and Ash took the badge. Immediately they all were teleported out of the stadium and plopped outside.
     "Well, well, well. I guess you kept your promise after all, Misty."

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