Chapter Four

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After last night I was so tired! Harry tried to get me out of bed but I groaned and growled at him, “Please! I need to show you something!” He whined.

I rolled over from lying on my stomach and looked at him. He was shirtless and pouting. Meaning he was standing there looking so hot! He the blanket in his hands and pulled it a little bit.

“Please!” He whined again jumping up and down pulling the entire blanket off me, making my warm body freeze against the cool air. I looked at him and he smiled cheekily. 

I rolled my eyes and groaned and began to get out of bed, “Fine! You win!” I yelled and walked over to him he gave a giggle and linked his hand in mine and walked me out into the living room.

“Surprise!” He yelled and held his arm out to the living room. I raised an eyebrow at him and cocked my head to the side.

“Nothing’s here...” I said and he shook his head and pointed on the couch were something grey was sitting. I walked over to it and it was breathing.

“Harry what is that!” I yelled and jumped back over to him and hid behind him, “Its a massive rat!” I said and began walking him towards it.

“It’s not a massive rat! It’s a Darcy!” He turned around and smiled at me and I raised my eyebrow again.

“What’s a Darcy?”

He walked over to it and picked it up then carried it over to me.

“Here look...” He said and showed me the Darcy/rat. And it was actually....a small sleeping kitten!

“Aw Harry! She’s adorable!” I said and took Darcy out of his arms and cradled her, she woke up a little and looked at me with her big blue eyes and then snuggled back into the crook of my elbow.

“Harry I love her! Thank you so, so much!”


Later that night we had to go to a friend’s wedding. I got dressed in my dress that I bought when I  went shopping with Eleanor and Danielle, and slipped it on.

“Ready to go Harry?” I yelled as I grabbed my purse off the table and walked out of the bedroom.

“Yeah I’m just doing my shirt up...” He said and walked out of the bathroom. Darcy was curled around my feet so I picked her up and cuddled her while waiting for Harry to finish getting ready.

“Now you aren’t going to drink lots are you?” I asked him putting Darcy down on the couch and walked over to Harry and fixed his tie up.

“You look beautiful,” He said and kissed me on the cheek.

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