Chapter Eleven

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3 months later

Clair’s POV

I sat on the bed reading up on how to be a parent and what to do when you’re pregnant seeing as I had no idea what on earth to do and I haven’t told my parents yet….Thankfully we are back home in England for a while…well until I have my baby that is. Everything has been cancelled until after the baby is gone…

I sat in the bedroom Harry and I share, the pregnancy books taking over the whole queen sized bed, I looked to my left and looked out the wall of windows that shows the forest beside our bedroom and sighed. I can’t do this.

I placed one hand on my stomach that gets larger and larger every month. A couple of days ago I felt a kick, Harry was so excited and happy that he started crying like a big baby, in front of all the guys. They all came over and felt my stomach and none of them got a kick except Niall who started crying as well.

I sighed again and went back to reading the book about giving birth…and so far…it doesn’t sound pleasant.

Stage 1: Early labor and active labor 

The first stage of labor takes place in two phases: early labor and active labor. 

During early labor:

·         Your cervix will start to dilate.

·         You may feel strong and regular contractions that last 30-60 seconds and come every 5 to 20 minutes.

·         You may notice a bloody show.

·         You may be in early labor for a few hours or days, especially for first-time moms.

·         You may want to spend this phase at home or wherever you are most comfortable.

During active labor:

·         Your contractions will become stronger, longer and more painful.

·         There may be very little time to relax in between contractions.

·         You may feel pressure in your lower back.

·         Your provider may tell you to get ready and head to the hospital.

·         Your cervix will dilate fully to 10 centimeters so the baby can be born.

10 centimetres! I reached over and grabbed the ruler that was on the bedside table and counted 10cm.


It’s gonna get that big! Oh my god that’s going to hurt! Oh my god! That’s huge! Holy crap!

I threw the ruler down, shut the book, threw it down and got off the bed and started to pace.

I’m not ready for this…I can’t handle this…

I walked past the full length mirror and noticed that I was wearing the same shirt I wore yesterday. I sighed and saw the pile of clean clothes on my bed and reached over to grab a sleeping shirt because the bra was hurting…maybe it was too tight?

I heard laughter from the living room and sighed. Harry doesn’t have to worry about anything. He’s not the one going through absolute pain and having to dilate his hole to 10 centimetres so a flipping baby can come out!!

I had scrunched up the t shirt in my hands from my anger. I sighed and placed it between my legs and started to take my shirt off. It’s not Harry’s fault. He wasn’t expecting us to…do what we did…but all I can say is that I’m not doing that in a while.

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