Chapter Nine

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Within a few minutes Harry and I were sitting on the couch facing Louis, Niall, Zayn and Liam.

“So…what’s up?” Zayn asked twiddling his thumbs.

“Is something wrong with you two?” Liam asked looking at the both of us.

“Is this about what you two were talking about before?” Louis asked and Harry and I nodded my head, “So this is a bad thing?” He asked slowly and I looked at Harry who looked at me and we both shrugged.

“We’re not exactly…entirely sure…what’s what…at the moment…” Harry said softly.

“Harry…why can’t you just tell us now?” Niall asked getting slightly impatient.

“Jeez Niall this is obviously something huge!” Liam said and Niall just shook his head.

“Yeah well they don’t have to take forever to tell us! I have to meet Emma for lunch in 15 minutes and I’m gonna get caught in the traffic!”

“I don’t think there’s any way to say this but to just come out with it...” Harry whispered to me, I nodded my head and grabbed his hand.

“Clarissa’s pregnant.” He said.

Each of their reactions was different.

Niall just sat there with his jaw open, Zayn’s eyes were wide open in shock, Liam shook his head and then held it in his hands and Louis just sat there.

“You were drunk…weren’t you?” Liam asked, Harry didn’t meet his eye but nodded his head and Liam sighed, “You should’ve been ready!” He yelled standing up and that’s when Harry’s head snapped up.

“What? I was just supposed to have condoms on me in case she decides ‘Oh hey let’s have sex tonight!’ I never thought that she would want to do it then!” He yelled standing up and getting in Liam’s face.

Then Niall jumped up, “When the hell was this problem Clarissa’s fault! You’re the one who got her pregnant!”

Then Zayn jumped up, “I would’ve thought you’d have condoms on you…” He said it quietly but it was enough to start up Harry again.

“Oh what? You guys just think that I’m full of condoms?” Liam scoffed.

“Well you have sex more than any of us put together and you’re the youngest.”

Harry sent him a death glare then he curled his hand into a fist….and punched Liam in the face.

Everyone was yelling at each other, trying to grab the guys off each other it soon came into a blur… and that’s when I screamed.

A sharp pain in my lower abdomen made me buckle over and grab my stomach and scream out in pain.

They all stopped what they were doing and looked at me before the world started to go blurry at the edges.

“Clair?” Harry said as he slowly walked over to me and that was the last thing I saw before I hit the ground and faded into blackness.

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