Chapter Eight

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“No….No…I can’t be…we…we” I tried to think back to that night and much to my disgust…we didn’t use protection… “Oh my god…” My eyes formed with tears and my hands began to shake, “Oh my god,” I laid a hand on my stomach, “oh my god I’m pregnant.” I began to sob. The girls tried to comfort me as best as they could but it was hard to do because we were in a toilet.

“Clarissa…Honey?” Danielle said, removing my hair from my face, “You’re gonna have to tell him…”

Harry’s POV

I walked out of the room with Darcy curled up in my arms. I snuggled her with my nose.  “At least you still love me,” I told her.

“Who’s not loving you?” Louis asked from the kitchen I just shrugged and sat down on the couch and played with Darcy’s ears.

“Clair’s gone out with the girls and I’m all alone…well I’ve got you so I guess that’s alright.” Louis gasped as he made his way over.

“I’m just alright? That is so not right! I should be number one!” He yelled causing Darcy to claw me.

“Ow, Darcy let go,” I said as I pulled her claws out of my jeans, “And you pipe down.” I said pointing at Louis and he just shrugged.

“So, how are you and Clair going?” he asked, I’ve still been a bit hesitant as to telling the boys about me and Clair last month. But Louis is my best friend. I can tell him anything.

“Yeah, we’ve been good really good. Last month…she…ugh…finally….” He cocked his he to the side and raised an eyebrow.

“She finally what?” He asked, I swallowed and let out a breath.

“She…finally…let me in?” I said but it didn’t really make sense, Louis sat there for a moment and then his mouth dropped and his eyes went wide.

“Oh my god!” He said and jumped a little bit, “So how was it? Wait! Don’t tell me I don’t wanna know! Wait yes tell me!”

I just laughed at him and turned around to face him, “It was…the best night of my life…I think…” Louis raised an eyebrow.

“You think?” I shrugged.

“Yeah…I can’t really remember it but I do remember parts and it was good so yeah….” I said and Louis just laughed.

“Wow…so…a little celebratory sex huh?”  He said wiggling his eyebrows and I just laughed and punched him lightly in the arm.

Clair’s POV

We all took a taxi back to the flat and the girls all surrounded me.

“Now, don’t worry ok?” Eleanor said giving me a hug.

“It’ll be fine sweetie.” Danielle said moving my hair away from my face.

“He still loves you and he always will.” Perri said rubbing my back slowly. I nodded to them all and then made my way up the stairs shaking the whole way.

I walked to the hallway and heard laughing.

Sounds like Louis is here.

I walked down to the kitchen and put my bag onto the counter and whipped my eyes to get rid of the mascara.

“There she is!” I heard Louis yell, I turned around to see Harry jump over the couch and run over to me.

“I missed you!” He said as he wrapped me up in his arms and spun me around then placed me back down.

“What’s wrong?” He asked looking at my eyes and I could tell that he saw that they were red.

“Um…I…I need to tell you something…” I whispered, his brows furrowed together and looked so confused.

“Um…yeah sure…” He stood up and looked at Louis, “Hey…um…You don’t mind going do you?” he asked. Louis looked between us and noticed that something was up.

“Yeah sure…um…I’ll call you later.” He said and grabbed his phone, wallet and keys of the counter and walked out the front door.

I waited until I heard the front door closed until I bursted into tears.

“Clarissa? Clair what’s wrong?” Harry said his voice flooding with terror and worry. We walked over to the couch and he sat me down and leant me against him and began patting my hair away from my face and just soothing me.

“Clair? Babe what’s wrong?” He whispered into my hair which only made me cry harder, I gripped onto his arm that was lying across my chest and held it close to me as I cried.

“Clarissa? Sweetheart you need to tell me what’s wrong so I can try and help…” Harry said kissing me gently all over my head.

There was no way around this. I can say it in a roundabout way. I just have to come out and say it.

“I’m pregnant!” I cried and then got up off the couch and knelt down in front of him.

“I’m sorry! I don’t know how to say it.” I looked up at him and his face was a mask of confusion and horror.

“Are…are…oh god…” His voice cracked and tears began to fill his eyes and spilled down his cheeks, “Why are you saying sorry? I-I-I I was the one who did this to you—Oh god I’m so sorry!” He got up and hugged me tightly.

And we stayed like that.

Just together. In each other’s embrace. Crying and hugging.

“How long?” He whispered after a while, I pulled away a little bit so I could see his face.

“What?” I asked, he swallowed and took a shaky breath.

“How long are you?” He looked at me in the eyes and then looked at the floor.

“About a month…I think…” I whispered, he closed his eyes and tears fell down his cheeks again.

“I’m so sorry…I never meant any of this to happen to you…” He said his voice breaking and cracking everywhere.

I shook my head and ran my fingers through his curls to try and calm him down, “its ok Harry…it’s ok…”

“I promise you, Clair…I promise you that I am never going to leave you.” He said gripping my hands in his, “I promise that I will never leave you or this baby. Never.”  I smiled at him and kissed him on the lips.

“We need to tell the boys…” He said. I nodded and he pulled out his phone and called them.

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