Chapter One

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Ch. 1

“Harry! Clair! Hurry up we gotta go otherwise we’ll be late!” Liam yelled from the living room, I was with Harry inside the laundry when somehow...I’m not entirely sure...We started making out... “Harry...we have to go...” I said as he kissed my neck, he groaned and gripped me tighter around the waist, “They can live without us...” He said and nibbled my ear lobe; I just giggled and pushed him off me, “No...” I said and put my finger up, “We need to go.” He frowned and grabbed my hand and walked out, sulking, Liam laughed at Harry’s expression, “What’s wrong?” Louis asked, “You interrupted my fun that’s what.” Harry grumbled, I couldn’t help but laugh, he was just so adorable when he’s all sulky.

We got down to the car where Paul was waiting for us, “Hey Harry why the long face?” He asked as he held the door open for us, Harry just grumbled something and pulled me into the car, “Harry just remember I’m wearing high heels because you guys are to freaking tall.” I said as I fixed my seat belt, he just folded his arms over his chest and looked out of the window; I sighed and leant against his chest which was hard to do seeing as he had his arms crossed but he eventually gave in and wrapped me in his strong arms.

We were waiting backstage as Ronan was telling the groups about the next few days and introducing us, “One Direction!” He yelled, Harry walked out first and we followed. I saw the groups, there were three boy bands, one girl band and a duet. I looked at all of them feeling their smiles. As I looked over at the girl band and saw a tall blonde wearing a red crop top. I thought she looked really pretty but when I smiled at her she sneered, my smiled faltered for a second but I recovered. Why would you do that to the person who’s judging you? We walked down to the groups, Niall jumped off the stage and walked straight over to the girl band, typical, and Liam helped me walked down the stairs. “Oh my god hi.” A short boy with long blonde hair said to me, “Hi love.” I said and gave him a hug; I looked up to see that he had the rest of his band there, “So what are your names?” I said, “Well I’m Christian and this is Mitchell, Brock, Tyrone and Luke.” He said pointing to each of the guys, “And we’re What About Tonight.” They said together, I laughed, “You guys remind me of One Direction.” I said, they all smiled, “Well you guys are like our inspiration.” Mitchell said, I smiled and gave them all hugs before I moved onto the next group.

After the introductions, Ronan lead us to a couch where we sat ourselves up. Louis, Liam and I were sitting on the couch and Harry, Zayn and Niall, were sitting on top of the couch. I was a bit, uncomfortable after talking with the girl group, Black Ivory, the one with the tall blonde, they all seemed to be nice but they all dressed so...skimpily... and I know that’s not a nice thing to say but let’s just stick with the fact that they’re not Little Mix.

First up was the boy band they put together, “They were good they didn’t seem to mesh well together...” Louis said, “You get what I mean?” We all nodded, “They have meshed instantly like we did.” Liam said and Louis nodded, next was the girl band Black Ivory. Yay...The first singer was good, but when it came around to the blonde...she Harry...Now I don’t wanna be the jealous girlfriend type or anything but...IT’S MY FLIPPING BOYFRIEND! GO AND STICK YOUR MITTS SOMEWHERE ELSE! They were dancing sexily and the way they were dressed to me it looked like they were trying to sell their bodies not their voices to the boys. Once their performance was finished and they left Ronan turned to us, “I think I’m in love with them” Harry said, my eyes bugged out of my head and I gripped Liam’s leg digging my nails into it, Liam hissed at me and I released, sending him an apology look, “That’s only cause she winked at you.” Louis said laughing, “Clarissa? What do you think?” Ronan said to me, I kept a calm face because the camera’s where on me, “ really be honest...they can a girl...I felt like they were trying too hard and basically selling their bodies not their voices to the boys. Like if I was a mother I wouldn’t want my 13 year old daughter watching their videos because of how they were dancing but that’s just me.” I said, Ronan thought for a bit and nodded his head, “To me they felt like try hards...and I’m really sorry to say that because the first singer, what’s her name?” I said, “Veronica.” Ronan said pointing, “Yeah Veronica, she can sing.” The boys agreed with me, “Yeah the way the girls had it, Veronica was singing last and the tall blonde one was singing the whole thing basically.” Ronan explained, we all nodded, “I think you changing it was a good idea.” Liam said, Ronan nodded and so we watched the rest of the groups.

“Now the next group is What About Tonight.” Ronan said to us, I smiled and sat up a little straighter, “these were the ones who are exactly like us.” I whispered to Harry he smiled and crossed his fingers, I laughed, they started singing and I swear it was like looking at a mirror image, “They’re just like us.” Louis whispered to Liam who laughed. They finished and we clapped. “I’ve got shivers.” Louis said, “They are exactly like us.” Harry said, “I reckon those boys are gonna go far.” Niall said, “The girls will love them because there is different ones to choose from, just like us.” I said and the boys agreed.

We all got into the car after watching the rest of the groups and leaving Ronan to his thoughts. “Oh my god!” Harry suddenly yelled, scaring all of us except Zayn who was asleep next to Liam, “What?” I said, he had the biggest smile I’ve seen on his face, he gripped my cheeks and suddenly kissed me. “Harry!” I said once he pulled away, “I love you so much!” He said, I turned to Louis who looked just as confused as me, “Harry...what’s wrong?” I said, “We’ve been together for nearly a year now!” He yelled, Liam shook his head, “Harry we had our 2 year anniversary this year.” Harry glared at him, “I meant me and Clarissa!” He said and pulled me close to him, I couldn’t believe it!

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