Chapter Three

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I don’t know how long I slept for but I know that when I woke up, Harry was asleep beside me; I quickly jumped out of bed and checked my phone. I had slept from 5 yesterday afternoon to 6 in the morning the next day!

I grabbed some clothes and hopped into the shower for a well deserved bathing.

I’m hungry.

I thought as I walked out of the bathroom and into the living room where I almost tripped over something but luckily I caught a hold of the shelf that was there, I looked down to see a mattress with a sleeping Liam and Zayn on it. I looked up and saw that Louis and Niall were sleeping on the couch. I silently laughed and snuck my way through them and into the kitchen. I walked over to the fridge to grab out some orange juice when I heard someone groan, I looked up to see Liam stand up and shuffle his way to the bathroom, I just giggled because he looked like a zombie.

I made myself some toast without Niall smelling it and was buttering it when I heard something else rustle; I turned around to see that Louis, Zayn and Niall had gone. Where the hell...


 I screamed and dropped to the floor covering my head, “Oh shit,” I heard Niall say.

“Clair you alright?” I stood up slowly to see all the boys with balloons and party hats on their heads, I laughed.

 “Surprise...” Louis said I smiled at him,

“Happy Birthday babe!” Harry said and picked me up in a hug, I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck, he placed me down and gave me a kiss, “Thanks Harry.” I said and released myself from him and turned to the others, “Thank you guys, this is awesome.” Niall smiled widely at me.

“So how does it feel to be 18?” He asked, I just smiled and shook my head.

“It feels amazing but also scary at the same time because I’ve achieved so much over the past few years that it’s mind blowing.”

“Do you feel old?” Harry asked wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close, I looked up at him and smirked, “Why? I don’t think I’m a cougar yet Harry.” The others laughed so hard I think Niall actually peed himself.

 I’m not joking.

So the boys wanted to take me out by myself with just one of them at a time, leaving Harry for last which sucked.

First up to take me somewhere was Niall.

“Ok Nialler...where are you taking me for my surprise birthday present?” I asked him as we got into the car and buckled my seat belt up. He looked at me from his seat and smiled, “I’m not going to tell you anything but I can defiantly say that you are going to love it!” He said while bouncing in his seat. I laughed at him and shook my head.

He buckled his seat belt and started to reverse when Harry suddenly appeared at my window, scaring Niall and I.

“Harry,” I said as I rolled down the window, “What are you doing?” He gave me the cutest smile and then leaned in and placed his hand around my neck and brought my lips to his and kissed me gently.

“I love you and I can’t wait for tonight,” He said pulling away and caressing my cheek one last time before he backed away from the window, I waved to him and giggled.

“You know he really loves you,” Niall said as he pulled out of the street and onto the highway, I gave him a sideways look.

“Yeah I know...” I said with a giggle.

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