Chapter Ten

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Harry’s POV

I managed to catch Clair’s head just in time before she crashed to the floor, “help!” I yelled to the guys and they all came over.

“It must have been a dizzy spell,” Liam said as him and the boys rested down beside her.

“I think we should put her to bed…” Zayn said, the boys agreed with him and I nodded my head and began to pick her up when she started to wake.

“What…what’s going on?” She groaned.

“Hey…hey baby…” I said quietly brushing her hair out of her face and placed my hand on her clammy cheek.

“What…what happened?” She asked as we slowly helped her stand up.

“You must have had a dizzy spell and you fainted,” Liam began and Louis piped up for the first time since the announcement.

“And the stress of you guys fighting probably doesn’t help.” We all shrugged and agreed.

“Are you ok?” I asked her rubbing her back; she grabbed my hand the way the pregnant lady’s grab onto their husband’s hands when they are helping them up.

“I…I-” she suddenly ran over to the kitchen and ran to the sink and threw up.

I walked over to her and held one hand on her back and pulled her hair away with my other hand and just rubbed her back in slow circles as she threw up.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Niall, he silently motioned to me that he and the boys were leaving. I nodded my head and waved good bye to them as she threw up one more time.

“Are you ok?” She nodded her head slowly and wiped the corner of her mouth. I took her slowly to the bathroom and turned the shower on, steaming everything up. She hadn’t said a word since she woke up from fainting. I think she must be in shock…

The all of a sudden she just broke down into tears, I gripped her tightly as she sobbed.

"H-H-Harry I c-c-can't d-do this!" She sobbed into my shirt, she coughed and continued to sob as I just tried my best to calm her down.

"I'm g-g-gonna d-die!" She screamed, she looked up at me with her blood shot eyes and gripped my shirt.

"Why...why did this h-happen to me?" She whispered. I felt my own tears form in the rims of my eyes and I tried hard to push them back.

"I didn't mean to do this to you Clair! I'm so sorry!" I gripped her in my chest and sobbed into her as she was doing to me.

She needed to throw up again so I quickly took her to the sink and some got over her shirt. I sighed and started to take her down to the bathroom.

"Come on...let's get you cleaned up..."

At first she was a bit shaky but slowly I sat her down on the toilet seat and began to take her high heels off, my eyes never leaving hers, then I moved slowly up to her skirt, I pulled her shirt slowly out of the skirt then stood her up and let my fingers rest on the edge of her skirt before I slowly pulled it down, letting it glide across her stomach and down past her hip bones and then her thighs and soon enough to her knees then her feet where it rested.

I stood up and then began unbuttoning her shirt slowly, going all the way down to the last one then I rested my hand on her shoulder which she turned to watch my hand slowly move its way down her arm bringing the sheer singlet with it, until it was at her fingers and couldn’t stretch anymore which is where I lightly grabbed her wrist and pulled it up so I could remove her arm from the shirt, I did the same to her other arm then soon enough she was just standing her in a black bra and underwear.

I laid my hands on her hips and pulled her close to me and rested her head on my chest and wrapped her arms around my back for her. I moved my hand from her tailbone to her bra strap and slowly unhooked it and moved my hands to her shoulder feeling her smooth skin turn into rough Goosebumps under my touch. I got the bra strap under my fingers and moved it slowly down one arm to her elbow and then moved the other one to her other elbow. I slowly then unwrapped her hands from my back and pulled her bra off more and dropped it on the floor.

 I then got down on my knees and rested my hands on her hips and slowly moved my hands down, pushing the underwear down too, I never lost contact with her eye for one second during this moment. The pushing began to get easier as I got down to her knees which is when I just went a little bit faster and pushed them all the way to her ankles in one swift movement. I stood up and held her close to me, I placed one hand on the back of her thigh on her right leg and lifted up and made sure to put it back down away from the skirt and underwear, I did the same with the other leg.

I then pulled her away from me and then quickly took my shirt off and stripped my jeans and underwear off then I turned her to the side slowly and picked her up bridal style. She tucked her head into my shoulder and draped her arms around my neck. I slowly entered the shower letting her feet go in first and then slowly up her legs then to her body. After her and I were covered in water I slowly let her down onto the ground and grabbed her body wash.

I squirted a small amount into my hands and rubbed them together then slowly rubbed my hands up and down her arms and moved across her stomach then to her shoulders and down her back. I gently lathered her up then grabbed her shower head and ran it over her smooth, tan body. I then grabbed her shampoo and made a small amount in my hand gently placed it over her head and she closed her eyes as I moved my hand down the nape of her neck and pulled her hair off her back and pulled it forwards over her shoulder and ran my fingers through it with shampoo. I grabbed the shower head and ran it over her head, gently massaging her head like the hairdressers do and washed out all the shampoo, I pulled her head back gently and let the water wash the remains from the top of her hair. I did the same with the conditioner then turned off the water and grabbed a towel and wrapped her in it and got her out of the shower.

I then slowly dried her off, going slowly over her body. I then kissed her lightly on the head as I sat her down on the toilet seat again and went into the bedroom to grab out a pair of undies for her and one of my large t-shirts and put on a pair of boxers for me. I then walked back into the bathroom and got her to stand up and took the towel off her and put on her underwear and then I stood up. I grabbed the shirt and saw that she was looking at me. She lifted up her arms and I placed the shirt over her arms and pulled it over her head and then over her breasts. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the bedroom.

I slowly placed her on the bed and then pulled down the covers and lifted her underneath them. I walked quickly to the other side and got in under the covers as well. I rolled her over onto her side so her back was facing me and I wrapped a hand around her waist and pulled her closer to me. She moved her hand under her pillow and rested her head on it. I rested my head on her shoulder and kissed her gently on the cheek. I stayed like that watching her eyelids fall lower and lower with each passing second until they were full shut and she was in a deep sleep. I felt my own eyes start to droop and I let sleep take me.

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