Chapter 46

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A bit of a filler due to this being written over weeks of writers block, little chunks at a time. I hope you enjoy, feedback is loved :)


"Well is anything announced that I'll be there? Because if not, cancel it... No, listen, half of my family is in the hospital and I'm not leaving until they do. Plus, I need some time anyways, I just did an international tour and now my girlfriend is recovering from major surgery and my son is in the NICU. Tree, I'm not kidding. I want it all canceled... yes, yes I know. Okay, thank you."

Aspyn looked up from her plate of fries she was finally allowed to eat later that evening, one of the security guards had been so kind as to bring them all back food since the cafeteria wasn't serving anything the actress was interested in, "Why is she trying to fight you on that?"

"Well," Taylor sighed, grabbing an onion ring and bringing it closer to her mouth, "I'm supposed to start a new era after the tour, like always, but Kieran coming early kind of changes that and I had a lot of appearances scheduled before he comes so getting out of them is a lot of work on my teams behalf and of course I feel bad, but I need to be here. It's not even a question."

"I appreciate you being so firm on your decision," Aspyn said softly, she didn't want to feel like it was the wrong thing to say but she had also been greatly appreciative of Taylor stepping up and handling things when she couldn't, as well as just generally being present and there for them.

Taylor looked confused for a split second, processing before she replied, "You are my priority, especially when you're in the hospital."

"Hopefully not for too long— but at the same time, I don't want to go home and leave him here or something."

"We do have a little girl at home, who actually should be here for her first story time of the day, that we need to get back to though."

"You do story time and then she goes home and does it again?" Aspyn smiled.

The blonde nodded, "It's the only way my mom and Austin can get her to sleep, she's so stubborn."

"She's my daughter, what on earth did you expect?" The actress giggled, the comment made Taylor lean in and kiss her softly.

It lingered for a moment until the door swung open, "Mommy!"

"My baby!" Aspyn shoved Taylor off 'gently' and looked at Quinn. She had a bouquet of flowers in her hand, and was clad in her pink pyjama set... one of fifty.

"You're awake! I missed you so much!"

Quinn wanted to climb up on the bed but Taylor held her back, "You can't get up there, sweetie. Mommy is very fragile and sore and we don't want to hurt her."

"But please?" Quinn pouted, "Please, Mommy?"

Aspyn was a sucker for those batted long eyelashes, "Ok—"

"No, you can sit down here and we will get you a chair if you don't want to sit with me. Mommy is still recovering and if she gets hurt again, it will be even longer until she can do story time cuddles," Taylor interrupted with strictness in her voice. She gave Quinn a stern look and the girl backed off and huffed.

"Honey," Aspyn's face was shocked, Taylor didn't really like disciplining Quinn. She always said she was the fun parent, but apparently things had began to change.

"She's going to stop throwing those fits, we have Kieran now and that's not acceptable. She can't be waking him up for no reason. I am going to have to, against my own wishes, start stepping up to the plate."

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