daolon wong plan

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Daolon wong and mcfist drinking smoothie inside of smoothie shop at herkleton oaks, maryland then he got idea for princess twilight and her friends from equestria. They stopped drinking their smoothie and daolon wong said, "i send rasto and finn over there at dragon land to spy spike who has been summon for a meeting from the dragon king torch.

Mcfist: "i love that idea, mr. Wong. I tell madame odius to bring  behemoth over there."

Daolon become confused and said, "behemoth?" The door open by behemoth to enter the store towards their table and said, "I'm behemoth at your service and to keep an eyes on that little baby dragon over there with my foot soldiers.

Courtney: "foot soldiers?"

Then all of sudden 14 fox bots appears of nowhere behind behemoth to shock Courtney a bit and Bernard enter the smoothie store with his girlfriend and stop to see 10 fox bots and a monster who giving them a cold stare.

Bernard: "we'll be back later then."

Alexis: "yeah."

They begin exit the store towards another store who selling smoothies without any monsters or robots. Courtney girlfriend enter the store to hangout with courtney and spotted behemoth and fox bots.

Tabitha: "cool monster."

Behemoth: "thank you kid."

Daolon Wong summon purple smoke like a circle with his wand and reveal of white tiger talisman as he said, "the first talisman is the white tiger and it's at las pegasus. Perfect we're leaving on Friday before captain black send his agents over there."

Mcfist: "good plan daolon."

Behemoth: "indeed."

Courtney: "I guess."

[New chapter is out for this story]

twidash chronicles adventure vol. 3 : zodiac animals huntingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon