welcome wooloo

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In deep of the woods far from ponyville, there something small really fast as it could because two shadow figures chasing.

Outside of ponyville

Derpy having picnic with her two daughter sitting on blanket and eating sunflower sandwiches. They then heard some kind of sound towards them, "eep." They turned around to see a sheep but smaller running to them In fear.

Dinky: "what's wrong little buddy. You seem scared like something chasing you."

Sheep Pokemon nodded his head and suddenly bisharp and manectric show up of surprise from them. Sheep Pokemon went behind amethyst star for protection who shaking in fear.

Dinky: "hey, leave this little guy alone."

Two figures walk up behind their Pokemon and female figure voice, "well, well, well. What do we have here, sheep Pokemon got protection by two unicorns and Pegasus. That's touching."

Dinky: "no way it's."

Female person to reveal cassidy with sly grin on her face and dinky finish her sentence, "cassidy." Derpy look at another one left aside of cassidy to be butch.

Derpy: "and bob."

Butch become angry at derpy to got his name wrong and said, "it's butch, not bob."

Dinky: "why you two want this Pokemon so badly. Huh."

Cassidy: "Give it to the boss that's all."

Amethyst star become angry, "I battle you two first to get little dude." Both of them about amethyst battle with them. Cassidy said to her, "but you don't have Pokemon with you, sweetie." She lit up her horn with magic to summon garchomp and venusaur behind her as her team.

Amethyst: "i do, now sweetie."

Bon bon, Lyra heartstring, vinyl scratch, Octavia Melody, noteworthy, and dr. Whooves show up to see two former dark hand.

Bon bon: "that's cassidy."

Lyra: "and Tom."


Cassidy: "forget them butch, let's battle with amethyst."

[New chapter is out for this story]

twidash chronicles adventure vol. 3 : zodiac animals huntingWhere stories live. Discover now