Prolouge: The Begining of The End...

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Richard's POV, Disclosed Location.

Richard: Are they still looking for me?

Asra: Not anymore. They'll come back, we have to get ready...

I took a seat, and then... I noticed my readers.

Asra: Oh. Sorry, we forgot about you guys...

Richard: Well then, let us get started.

Howdy, y'all. Name's Richard Mitchell, Your No Nonsense Texan. Now, I know the Author told me that my name used to be Raine Vollerei, but, I would rather to be called as Richard, due to his laziness.

A/N: I'm Sorry!

Anyways, here's the story...

12 Years ago... In the Honkai World...

I was a Naive Captain... But somewhat a good one... I was able to get the girls on my side, and even Himeko and I ended up in a relationship with her... It went from a small one... To a freaking powerful organization. We were able to win a footing against the Anti-Entropy.

But... After a Failed Mission, at the Northern America... I losted my hope... My Parents... They...

Richard (Past): No... No... Why...

Himeko: Raine... It's that your...

Richard (Past): Yes... My parents...

I lost all of my confidence... All of the reason to fight on... It was at the moment that I was now weak, I can see and hear it all. First, they...


Himeko: Theresa, calm down...

Fu Hua: She's right, Captain is having his own misfortune.

Theresa: I don't care, I mean, he's now incompetent and useless!

Himeko: I... maybe... But, he's-

Kiana: Same here! He always ordering me around, not only that, he doesn't even talk to us!

Mei: Yeah, I mean, look at him now... He's now on a short end now. Plus, we don't even know what's happening to him...

Bronya: The Bronya thinks the same, he's always arrogant and is not fitted to be a captain

Fu hua: Why do you all hate him that much?

Theresa: Because he thinks he just makes mistakes like everyone!

Kiana: He is trying to get Mei-senpai.

Mei: Kiana, he already have Himeko, why would he dare to do that?

Bronya: The Bronya thinks subject Raine is now incompetent to be a Captain.

Himeko: Hold on... What if anyone could hear this!?

Theresa: Don't worry this room is soundproofed from the outside. So it's fine, and besides this secret is only known to us... The Useless Captain may act all high and mighty as if he's a Captain of Hyperion... I wish he could just disappear from this world...

They all left with the last one from Himeko...

Himeko: You reap what you sow... All of you...

I heard it all, I was in a fucking... A FUCKING CLOSET!!! Despite Fu Hua and Himeko's effort to protect me... It's too late, I'm already a Demon 

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