Chapter 6: Trial by Fire and Lies...

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Asra (Outside the Story): It's now a battle for survival. Both me, Richard and our Company have to keep this situation, calm... If we can't...

Richard (Outside the Story): We run like a bunch of chickens.

Asra (Outside the Story): Yeah, that.

Back to the Story... With Seele's Pov...

The Lieutenant... it's my Onii-Chan, all along!? W-Why... Why did he lied to me, and... He tried to make us let go of him... I won't... I WON'T LET GO OF HIM!!!

Theresa: Seele? Why are you crying, at Captain Pierson's Command Center?

She runned away from Theresa, and from the Command Center. Leaving a Confused Theresa alone.

Back to Richard's Pov...

Richard: Hey, did you guys heard that?

Cpt. Pierson: You're right... A faint sobbing?

Theresa: Plus, I wonder why did Seele cried, just outside of the Command Center?

Richard and Wynne: Oh shit... / This is not going to end well, mark my words...

Asra: They have powers that can... Oh shit, you're right...

Richard: *Groans* I'm just going to the cafeteria... Asra?

Asra: Fine... You owe me, Rich.

Cpt. Pierson: I'll be coming with you, Colonel. I don't want any surprises.

Asra: Understood. Let's go.

Richard: Good luck. I'll be at the cafeteria... Wynne?

Wynne: I'll be at the office, take care.

We all split up and do our things, I go to the Cafeteria, because... Well, I had enough of that.

Asra and Pierson's position, Asra's Pov.

We rushed and took a heli to the Hyperion and search for her, hiding somewhere.

Pierson: Miss Kiana?

Kiana: Captain Pierson and Colonel Asra? Why are you guys here?

Asra: Can you ask us, where's Seele!? We need to talk to her!

Kiana: In that room over there. Why?

Pierson: Come on, Colonel!

Asra: Yes, Captain!

We headed to her room and...

Asra: Seele! Open the door!

Seele: Go away! *sobbing*

Asra: Please! Let's just talk for a bit! Maybe your brother has a reason to lie about this!


Pierson: *sighs* Lieutenant Richard, has enough of his past pole of the Captain of the Schicksal, probably they were blinded by their emotions and betrayed him, when he was on his last feet.

Seele: ...

Asra: ... Err... Hello? Seele? Seele Vollerei?

Suddenly the door and the surrounding room exploded. Asra and Pierson was blasted away, but still alive and barely wounded, however, Seele...

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