Epilogue Pt.1: Swords of Freedom.

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Five Years Later... In Italy...

In a Metropolis, in an Apartment... Richard is washing his hand, and then turning it off... Staring out of a window... Until...

???: Papà? "Dad?"

Richard: Huh?

Richard turned to his back to see a young boy, Same hair like Richard, but with blue eyes, and as young as four.

Richard: Oh. Ehi amico. Com'erano i tuoi amici? "Oh. Hey buddy. How was your friends?"

Richard's Son: Stavano bene... Ad essere onesti, perché la mamma ci ha lasciato? "They were alright... To be honest, why did mom left us?"

Richard could only sighs, and walked to his son and crouched.

Richard: Lei... Non era la donna che ho pensato... "She... She wasn't the woman that I've thought..."

Richard's Son: Non ha detto che ti ama? "Didn't she say she loves you?"

Richard: Lei lo fa, ma... La sua famiglia non si fidava di me e si sposò con un altro uomo ricco... Non potevo salvare tua sorella minore, ma sono riuscito a salvarti. "She does, but... Her family didn't trust me and arranged marriage to another wealthy man... I couldn't save your younger sister, but I managed to save you."

Richard's Son: Lo so, papà... Sei solo preoccupato per la mia sicurezza ... Vorrei che potessimo rivedere la mamma... Sei solo un uomo problematico, papà. "I know, dad... You're just worried for my safety... I wish we could see mom again... You're just a troubled man, dad."

Richard: Grazie, Virgilio... Il mio unico figlio... Ora, per favore. Prepara le tue uniformi e i tuoi zaini riforniti. La scuola aprirà domani. "Thank you, Virgilio... My only son... Now, please. Get your uniforms ready, and your backpacks stocked. School's going to open in tomorrow."

Virgilio nodded and walked to his room, Richard went to sleep on his coach to see...

Richard: Oh... You guys again... *Sighs* Well, let's give this a finale.

4 Years Before... After Richard's Escape... Richard's POV.

They were hunting for me, again... Luckily, I've managed to change my appearance and facial features, along with trying to change my voice, to sound like the usual Italian... And a Fake Name...

But, they saw through it... Why? Ask my Lazy Contractor.


Ahem... And I was in a Militia Uniform... And in a Humvee. The Reason? Our New Captain of our Division was stupid enough to return here and then all hell breaks loose... The reason I'm in a Humvee? Asra saved my ass again! But now...

We're escaping in the humvee. Back to our old outpost.


Richard: *Reloading his H&K Standard FP6* I'M TRYING!!! SHOTGUNS AREN'T FAST TO RELOAD!!!

Fu Hua: Stop right there, Raine!!!

Seele (Veliona): BIG BROTHER!!!~

Sakura: RAINE-SENPAI!!!~

Kiana: KANCHO!!!

Rozalia & Liliya: Captain Raine!~

Mei: Richard.~

They literally massacred civilians just to have me back... I've managed to avoid hitting other cars and vehicles... and then, Honkai Zombies.

Asra: ARCHERS!!!

Richard: I GOT IT!!! *Took out his ARX160, X2 Scope*

The Windows of the Humvee are destroyed, so we have to be careful not to get grabbed. I fired burst after bursts to take down the archers, I've managed to take down a few, the rest landed their arrows at the sides.

Asra: AH GOD!!!

Richard: Keep driving!

We rammed through more Honkai Zombies, even my own men were turned into one...

Asra: Do you see them!?

I looked at the mirrors and they're fighting much stronger Honkais, Rita is still after our jeep. 

Richard: Only one!

Asra: Fuck! Can't this jeep go any faster!?

Asra kept driving, and she was then...

Asra: *Got Grabbed!* AHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Rita: Fufufufu.~ Don't mind if I'll have Richard-sama.~

Richard: IN HELL!!!

I aimed my Shotgun and fired, she got away quickly and missed Asra.

Asra: USE YOUR RIFLE, DAMNIT!!! And thanks...

She continued driving, her ammo was more than enough while, I'm running low. And then... A Ganesha Honkai Beast is charging right at us. But, I've spotted a place to evade.

Asra: Oh fuck!!! We need to-

Richard: Wait... Turn hard right on my signal!

She's already sweating bullets as we got closer...

Asra: Richard!!!

It got closer as I grab ahold of the handlebar...

Asra: RICHARD!!!

And then close enough-

Richard: NOW!!!

Asra quickly brakes and turned hard right, right into a Destroyed Warehouse, I looked to the back to see Rita got rammed by the Ganesha. Asra continues driving back to our main base...

We changed roles. As Asra are got shooting any more Honkais...

Richard: Templar Honkai!!!

Asra: I Got it!!!

She got her IWI Galil ACE with 50 rounds magazine and fired at will. Her weapons couldn't do much damage until she took out her GM-94

Asra: EAT THIS!!!

HE after HE, the Honkai quickly retreats, as she gunned down more Honkai Zombies... As I kept driving back to HQ...

We then saw the troops are quickly retreating into the portal as if it's Vietnam or Afghanistan. Leaving a lot of scattered men and equipment to the Honkais... But its armory was burned to the ground by the time we got closer...

Asra: RICHARD!!!

Richard: GOT IT!

I rammed my right leg on the accelerate bar and changed the manual to 5. I crossed my fingers that we'll get back home...






Decide the Fate of Richard and Asra...


or (I'm Looking at you TheBreizhOne.)


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