Alternate Reality: What if the Israeli Tank Commander came?

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Richard: Kiana... I'm-

*Sounds of HE shell loaded.*

Kiana: Huh? What was-


A gaping hole. Richard's luck that he's untied by the shrapnel, and looked at the hole, with a stunned Kiana.

???: Hey brother! Over here! And quickly!

It was Eli Anan Ezra, the Israeli Tank Commander. Richard jumped out and used his Ice powers, which is suppressed, of soften the landing. And fall right a the back of the tank. 

Ezra: Nice landing!

Richard: Thanks. Now, let's get out of here!

Ezra: *To his crew and start speaking Hebrew* Besder, benim! Lesget! "Alright, boys! Pull back!"

The Merkava Mark IV used by Ezra's Tank Crew pulled back from the spot the Kiana has taken me to... Until...


Yep. That's her... Sirin...

Ezra: Tch. Weapons ready, and Anti Honkai Gear on!

I activated my Anti Honkai Gear as him and his crew did the same and got the weapons ready. After they're done, we fired away.

Ezra: *Hebrew* Ash! "Fire!"

Ezra's Tank Gunner: *Hebrew* Bahad! "On one!"


Missed. I took the FN MAG out and fired away. Giving little damage to her.

Sirin (Kiana): Try to fight Raine!~ But I'll kill your friends and make you mine!

Ezra: Try your best! Fire!

Ezra's Tank Gunner: ON ONE!


Sirin (Kiana): AUGH!

A hit. I don't want to check her as she could be faking it. We decided to leave until...

Asra: Richard! Ezra!

Richard: Asra! You're safe!

Ezra: Good to see you again, my former enemy!

Asra: Yeah. Yeah, Ez. Now, let's get the hell out of here!

Ezra: Of course. Better be safe than to have our knifes on each other's throat...

We drived away, the remains of the Expedition Division is evacuating... Only around 3.000 remaining...

Sirin: Found you... Humans...

Ezra: Again!?

Richard: AHH!!!

Asra: Oh Allah... "Oh God..."

We all attacked. With a lot of remaining Soldiers retreating, due to lack of ammo, for a hasty retreat. Ezra and his tank crew is trying to blow Sirin up, Asra mean while... 

Asra: Fire in a hole!

A Flashbang. Blinded Sirin but...

Richard: O_O

Ezra: Holy mother of Yahweh!?

Asra: ... Er... Richard? Are you alright!?

We... we kissed, by accident...

Richard: Erm...

Sirin: Hehehehe... My-

I froze her completely, like a crystall, but, my left arm frozed.

Richard: Agh... My left arm... My... head...

I fainted, only with the sounds...

Ezra: Richard! Get a Medic!!!

Asra: Rich! DOCTOR!!!

Israel, Tel Aviv, Ezra's Base Camp...

Richard: Yeah... My head still hurts...

Asra: Glad you're safe at least, Rich...

*Door Open*

Ezra: What did I missed?

Richard: All of it.

Ezra: Damn it...

Asra: Hey, at least he's alive...

Ezra: Heh. Well, I'll go get some food for you guys...

We decided to play The Division 2. I wonder...

Richard's Secret...

Richard (Past): Ana Schariac... I...

Ana: I know it's a strange response but... I trust that you'll only use it as emergency...

Richard (Past): Why?

Ana: I sense something it's wrong... and it will be the future... I ask you to use it...

Richard (Past): Well... Ok... Is-

She took her Ice Honkai Crystal... And gave it to me... Suddenly I fainted... And when I wake up again... She's gone, with a paper, saying...

"Be safe, my little Captain."


... I hope she's alive...

Asra: Richard! Black Tusk is killing me!!!

Richard: Huh!? Oh shit!!!

I saved her from the Black Tusk. Just in time to provide support...

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