Chapter 5: On a Tight String.

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We returned back to the HQ. Me and Asra was a bit tired of the attack and we decided to grab some food.

Richard: Man, I'm hungry... Let's go to the Cafeteria.

Asra: Sure... Some Turkish Tea would be nice.

Fu Hua: Hey, Richard. Can you come with me for a moment?

Richard: What is it, Fu Hua?

Fu Hua: Just come with me. I've got something to tell you.

Richard: But, it's UN Jurisdiction. I can't join you.

Fu Hua: It'll be short. And she better not come with you. *Points at Asra.*

Asra: HEY!

Richard: Jesus... Fine. I'll come.

Asra: Just stay safe, Rich...

Richard (Outside the story): I'll never forget her insanity...

After arriving at a Storage Room...

Richard: So. What do you want to-?

Richard (Outside the story): She tied me up to a chair.

Richard: What in the Sam's Hill!? What are you-!?

Richard (Outside the story): She kissed me, she hunted my mouth with her own tongue. I couldn't do anything due to me being tied up. For minutes...

Asra (Outside the Story): Oh... Bless you, Richard...

Richard: W-why did you do this!? I thought you loved Raine Vollerei, not me!?

Fu Hua: I know it's you, Raine.

Richard: W-What do you mean!?

Fu Hua: I know that you're hiding from us, and used a fake name, that you now used. You're quite delusional aren't you?

Richard: How the hell do you know!?

Fu Hua: Your note to Wynne, "Delete my Past. I'm happy in Earth, despite the hardships."

Richard's Mind: Fuck... I'm dead...

Asra (Outside the story): Shit... No wonder...

Richard: So... You're going to tell everyone about who I am...?

Fu Hua: I won't.

Richard: W-Why...?

Fu Hua: Because I love you, and I'm willing to keep you away from them...

Asra (Outside the story): ... Yandere scum...

Richard: If... If you say so...


Asra: I'm not a Valkyrie... For the last time...

Theresa: And yet, you fight like one!

Asra: I'm a soldier. Willing and always, a Soldier of Allah.

Theresa: *sighs* You're stubborn...

Kiana: How come you could fire with that... P...

Asra: *picks up and reload the P90* This is the FN P90. Maded by Fabrique Nationale Herstal or FN Herstal of our world Belgium. 50 rounds Magazine, with a good ammunition.

Kiana: Ammunition?

Asra: It's ammo was good on penetrating Kevlar Armor Level 3. At around 200 meters. Not sure about Templar Class...

Kiana: Oh...

Theresa: I see... Well, If you-

Asra: No. I got things to attend back at HQ. So, Goodbye.

Asra (Outside the story): I went to look for Richard... Well, that happens.

Back to Richard...

Richard: So... can I go to the Canteen now? My base?

Fu Hua: Hmm... Sure, let's go, Rich.

Asra: Er... Yo, Richard?

Richard: Asra... Help me...

Fu Hua: Sorry, he's busy.

Asra: ... I don't think he is, it looks like you've threatened him.

Fu Hua: What...? You think you can take him from me!?

Asra: Wait what?

Richard: ...

Asra: Look buddy, me and Richard are Old time friends. We worked together when times are tough. You're simply insane, due to your hunt for your captain.

Fu Hua: Oh really!?

Asra's Mind: Ah crap...

Asra: Richard...

Richard runned with Asra.

Richard & Asra: NIGERRUNDAYO!!! ASRA!!!/RICHARD!!!



Cpt. Pierson: Are you certain about this, Overseer Wynne?

Wynne: It's... To be honest... It's like dealing with this Synedrion Faction...

Cpt. Pierson: Hey, at least I'm Coalition... We don't have to-

Richard & Asra: CAPTAIN!!! HELP US!!!

Cpt. Pierson: What the hell!? Why!?

Richard: Fu Hua knows my true identity!

Wynne: !!! Damn it! Hide, you two!!!

They both hided, and then Fu Hua came in.

Wynne: What can I help you, Fu Hua?

Fu Hua: Where's both Richard and Asra!?

Wynne: Why, I wonder?

Fu Hua: It's personnel. Now tell me!

Cpt. Pierson: They've... go past here.

Fu Hua: Come out! I'll find you, Richard! And I'll make sure that you're mine!

After she've left...

Cpt. Pierson: You two can come out, now.

Both of them opened and reveal themselves.

Richard: Thank you, Captain...

Cpt. Pierson: Don't be. I knew something is going wrong and I decided to help.

Wynne: Well, Richard. Looks like she now knew that you're Raine Vollerei... Except they'll still call you Richard.

Cpt. Pierson: If that's the case, then you're better be a National Guard than this Expedition Forces. I'll talk to the High Command to get you and Asra's Company out, and tell the bad news to them, too.

Richard: Thank you, sir... It's was an honor, serving the Coalition. Despite only for a few months...

Wynne: We'll see each other one day...

Cpt. Pierson: Of course. But, when the time is right... You'll be call to arms again, this time, not with the Schicksal.

Asra: What about me, sir?

Cpt. Pierson: Same thing. But, without going with Richard. Understood?

Richard & Asra: YES SIR!

Richard (Outside the story): And yet... Fate is always cruel to us...

Asra (Outside the story): Yep. Seele was hearing our conversation...

Seele: O-Onii-Chan...

Richard (Outside the Story): Yeah...

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