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"So he's been in there for what? Two hours?" Zayn is starting to lose it, "Aren't you worried about it?"

"Why would I be worried about it?"

"Well, the hottie is his ex. I know I'd be worried," he shrugs.

"This is not helping, babe."

"They are at a police station. It's not like they can do something in there," I dismiss his stupid idea, even if it's making me feel uncomfortable.

"Haven't you ever watched porn?" Liam raises an eyebrow, "Lots of things happen at police stations," he smirks.

"Too much information, mate," I roll my eyes at him.

"Yeah, we don't need to know what kind of porn you watch, Liam," Zayn laughs.

"Shut up, you were there too," Liam sticks his tongue out at him, "Well, you were watching me the whole time actually."

"Shut up," Zayn mumbles while a shy blush starts to cover his face.

"Hey!" I snap my fingers at them, "Too much information! This is not nice. I don't need to know details about your sex life."

"Not much to tell anyways," Liam shrugs, "We do incredibly well."

"Not cool, bro!" I cut him off, "It actually feels weird to call you brother now that I know what kind of stuff you like to do to your own brothers."


"Incester," I cough.

"Stop it with that already, would you?"

"I spot the tourist at 6 pm!" Liam lets me know.

"Hey," I turn around to get closer to him, "What happened?"

"I'm so frustrated," he buries his face on my neck, "I'm tired."

"No good news then?" I hug him tight. It just breaks my heart to see him as small as he looks right now.

"The Irish embassy sucks," he sighs, "They can't send anyone until Monday."

"Let's just leave then," Zayn says.

"Zayn?" I shake my head at him.

"What?" he shrugs, "If we can't do anything to help him, let's just leave."

"You can go," the tourist looks at him, "It's okay. I don't want you to miss the match because of this.

"Are you kidding me? I'm not going to leave you here."

"But the match," he insists.

"I couldn't care less about it."

"He is just jealous," Liam coughs, "I told him the kind of stuff that happens at police stations and he didn't like the thought of you witnessing any of that."

"Or being a part of it," Zayn adds, "That'd be worse... and," he lowers his voice, "Hot."

"Can you stop?" Liam punches his arm.

"Don't listen to them," I tell the tourist, "They are idiots."

"Well, it's not such a bad thing if you think about it," Liam says with a funny tone, "The hottie is a bottom. He'll like it."

"I'm absolutely lost," Louis frowns at me.

"Told you not to listen, they are idiots."

"Do any of you have a phone with internet? I need Internet and there's no Wi-Fi here," he sounds frustrated.

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