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“What?” Zayn stutters.

“Yeah, what?” Liam asks almost at the same time as his… I can’t even say it because INCEST.

“I can’t believe you,” I roll my eyes at her.

“What? What did I say?” she turns to them, “You gay, right?”

“Would you stop already?” Again, if she weren’t a she, I’d punch her.

“You knew?” a very blushed Liam stares at me.

“Told you we should have told him ages ago,” Zayn adds, “God, this is so relieving.”

“How much do you know?”

“I know nothing, okay?”

“But how did you find out?” Liam insists.

“I really don’t want to have this conversation right now,” I say, expecting to see the tourist entering the room but he doesn’t and that’s making me feel something really weird inside of my stomach. Where did he go?

“Oh,” the model finally seems to get it, “I am so sorry, H.”

“You just shut your mouth right now,” I mumble to her.

“No, seriously, I thought they already knew Louis told you. I’m really sorry.” Is she serious?

“Louis told you?! What the hell?” Zayn cuts her off.

“How would Louis know?” Liam turns to Zayn, “He knows us, right?”

“He does,” she dares to talk again, “He used to go to parties at your house or something. That’s how Harry found out you never invite him.”

“Babe!” the ginger grabs her by the arm, “You need to shut up already. Don’t you see it? Even I see it and I’m not good at noticing stuff.” No wonder why I liked the redhead from day one.

“So,” Liam seems to be trying to digest it, “Louis is Bum?”

“What?” I’m getting really confused right now, “How would you know I call him Bum?”

“You said it,” he answers, “When you called me that time, acting all suspicious because you found out about the parties, you said a friend of yours called Bum told you.”

“I get where the nickname comes from though,” Zayn comments, “I mean, have you seen his,” he decides not to finish the sentence when he sees the look on Liam’s face.

“Again?” he gives him a warning look, “It’s the second time.”

“Sorry, babe,” he mumbles really low.

“Zayn!” Liam warns him and then turns to see if I heard the nickname choice. He looks even more blushed right now.

“What? He already knows. What’s worrying you?”

“How much do you really know, Harry?” Liam gets serious.

“Hey! Everyone just wait,” the model interrupts again and turns to me, “You call the tourist Bum? That’s so sweet.” Note to self: Unfriend the model as soon as this nightmare ends.

“I’m going to have to take you somewhere else now,” Ed walks her out, “Sorry, mate,” he tells me.

“I really don’t want to go right now,” she gets stubborn, “The good stuff is about to happen.”

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