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“Are you okay?” the tourist gets closer to me.

“Mate, you look like you are about to faint.”

“I’m fine,” I mumble really low. Someone, please, explain the reason why I feel like the world is spinning faster than ever right now.

“You were right, it’s the one at the station,” Zayn comments, “I found it.”


“I Googled ‘gay, kiss, brazil, bus station’ and it showed,” he explains, “Over 600k views already.”

“Shit went viral,” Liam adds.

“Guys, this is not helping,” Louis tells them and then turns to me, “Are you fine?”

“I just need to sit down and think for a while,” I whisper, “I’m going to sue Google and YouTube. In fact, I’ll call my lawyer right now.”

“It happened at a public place actually, I’m not sure you can do that,” Zayn talks.

“Could you maybe just shut up for once and go back to Abu Dhabi maybe?” I snap at him.

“Abu Dhabi?”

“Or wherever the heck you come from,” I spit out.

“I was born in Bradford.”

“Just let him,” the tourist says, “Didn’t you guys buy beer or something? He needs a drink.”

“I’m fine like this,” I sigh, “I need to make some calls.”

“Who are you going to call first?” Liam asks me.

“I don’t fucking know, okay?” I raise my voice, “Sorry, I just need to be alone.”

“I’ll be right here, call me if you need me,” Louis lets me know.

“You are coming with me,” I grab his hand, “By being alone I meant being with only you.”

“Aw, I’d get mad but this is kind of sweet,” Liam says as they walk away from us.

“So,” the tourist sighs, “I’m really sorry.”

“Don’t be, it’s not your fault.”

“Yeah, but-”

“But nothing,” I cut him off, “You had nothing to do with it. I kissed you. I held you and I’m not ashamed of it. I just didn’t want it to go viral like this.”

“I know,” he pouts, “Me neither.”

“I wonder who I should call first,” I sigh, “You think they saw it already? My mom? My dad? Gemma?”

“Maybe they didn’t,” he does what he is bet at, staying positive. “I think you should call your sister first. She would tell you if your mom and dad know something already.”

“You are right,” I try to smile, “Thanks.”

“Okay, don’t stress. This crazy idea just came to my mind,” he says sheepishly, “Why don’t you just tell them that it was an act or something?”


“Like a dare, you know?” he gestures as he exposes his idea to me, “Maybe you lost a bet or something, so you were forced to do this and your friends were filming it or something like that. Sounds pretty credible to me.”

“Louis,” I nod, “That’s awesome. That’s pretty good.”

“Nice,” he fakes a smile, “Just make it sound like it’s not a big deal. Like if you were laughing about this, otherwise they’ll think it’s real and you don’t want that.”

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