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[Guys! This was updated yesterday but Wattpad forgot to tell people about it. Make sure to check out #27 before you read this. Oh and Hi!]


“They are not gay,” I dismiss his stupid idea. Maybe he thinks they are gay because he is gay and he wants every other human being in the world to be gay but that doesn’t mean that my best friends are gay. I would totally know if they were gay. Oh, and just for the record, I don’t like the tourist anymore, like at all.

“Okay, they are not gay, you are right,” he tries to play it cool, “I love this place, don’t you?”

“What?” I’m starting to get pissed, “You are trying to change the subject.”

“No, I’m not,” he frowns, “There’s no subject.”

“Yes, there is,” I insist, “They are not gay. Zayn and Liam are not gay. Stop saying that, they are both kind of known and this is bad publicity for them.”

“There’s no such thing as bad publicity, bubu.”

“Whatever,” I drown my anxiety in my glass of wine, “Why would you say something like that?”

“Because I’m stupid, don’t mind me,” he is so trying to make a fool out of me but I won’t let him.

“Tell me everything you know,” I demand.

“I know nothing,” he mumbles.

“Come on, Louis, please.”

“I can’t be the one to tell you. If they didn’t, they might have a reason. I have no right to do this,” he lowers his voice, “I hate myself right now.”

“You are not the only one,” I shoot back.

“You hate me?” he pouts.

“No, but I wish I did,” I roll my eyes at him and I empty yet another glass of wine.

“Well, let’s do this together then,” he stares at me, “Since you are starting to freak out,” he finishes his glass of wine, “Wow, straight to the head.”

“Take it easy, you said you can’t handle wine.”

“I need to be wasted now,” he takes a deep breath of air, “Okay, so Liam and Zayn live together, right?”

“They do but that doesn’t mean anything, they are roommates,” I’m so ready to destroy his theory.

“Sure, roommates is like the key word for gay,” he mumbles, “No, just kidding. Let’s continue. Why would they need to be roommates?”

“I don’t know, because they are friends and sharing a flat with someone is a nice way to save money.”

“Aren’t they like millionaires?”

“No, they are not,” I cut him off.

“Zayn’s paintings are worth thousands of pounds and a friend of mine tried to hire Liam for a party. Let me tell you, Big Payno is not cheap at all.”

“Oh my God, you know them so well.”

“I do, isn’t this cool? We could have met before and maybe we don’t even remember,” he looks happy, “But I think I’d remember you.”

 “Of course you’d remember me. I mean, look at me,” I smirk, “And they never invite me to these gay parties they throw,” I clench my jaw because I can’t believe this could be true. I’m not mad at them for being gay but I’m definitely pissed because they’ve never invited me to their parties. That’s not something you do to a friend. They know how much I like parties.

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