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5:30 pm

  I brushed off my tuxedo as Emily came out of the bathroom. She wore a flowing sparkly red dress with matching eye shadow. "I still don't have a good feeling about this. Out of everyone why did he come to us?" I choked. "It's just a dinner, be thankful he invited us." Emily snapped. I nodded as we opened up the door. We began walking. A pale girl with eye makeup around her eyes, which seemed smeared, bumped into Emily. "Excuse you." She huffed. The girl rolled her eyes as her gaze met mine. "Oh, I am sorry. My names Sally, pleasure to meet you." She reached her hand out to me. "Tom, this is my sister Emily." She didn't break the gaze she had on me. "We're actually heading to a dinner for Mr. March. We should probably get going." I mumbled. "Oh I know where his living quarters are, allow me." She skipped to the elevator and pressed the button. We got in. She pressed the very top button. "You must live here?" Emily questioned. "Oh god yes, it's TERRIBLE. I've been here for years." She lit a cigarette. "You can't smoke in here she has breathing problems enough as it is." I snapped. She started laughing. "This isn't the place for her then." She said as the bell dinged and the door opened. We followed her down a hall as big wooden doors opened up. At it was a long table with lit candles.

   "Ah my guests have arrived!" James March rounded the corner. "Please, take a seat. I have a treat for you!" A man brought out numerous trays and plates. We sat down. Just us three and Sally sat at the table. "Sally don't get too comfortable coming into my quarters." He told her as he cut into his almost raw steak. Blood seeped through the fork as Emily gagged. "Just in time to meet my Countess!" He said as a petite blonde woman in a piercing dress walked in and sat beside him. "I no longer belong to you, James." She said as she looked over at us. I noticed she had a glove with cat like claws on it. "I, I mean, We are actually here to find out about our father, Kit Walker." I stated clearly. James laughed hysterically. "Liz told me about this. Unfortunately I can not provide any further information on my guests." He sipped on some wine. "It's my father you have to tell us something!" Emily's fist hit the table. "I would watch how I spoke in front of the Countess." Sally whispered. "I don't give a damn what the 'Countess' has to say, I need to know about my fucking father!" I looked over to Emily. "We don't know them, lower your voice." I whispered. The Countess stood up and walked over between us. She ran her claw down Emily's ear. She then kneeled down beside me. "You would be perfect." She smelled the air beside me. She looked over to James. "We're not doing that anymore, you know the new rules. I want my hotel out there again, this is UNACCEPTABLE!" He slammed his fists down. Sally covered her ears. He looked as if he was thinking. "Good heavens. Let's just finish our meal and I will tell you what I know." He glanced at me. "Cheers!" We raised our glasses and took a sip. James put his glass down and began laughing. "What's so funny?" I slurred. My vision got blurry. "Tom, Tom what's happen-," Emily fell over. I swayed and looked over to James. "You'll be with him soon." Everything went black.

Simply Insanity~ (AHS) A Kit Walker FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now