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    I was drug into a small medical room. An older man with a doctor mask came in. "Who are you?" I asked in a scared tone. "You'll know in time, now try to relax." He said smoothly. My hands were buckled to the chair as my head was strapped back. "What is this?" I cried. "Shock therapy, it'll be over before you know it." He laughed. He stuck a knob with wires in it on each side of my head. "This is inhumane, you cant do this to me!" I screamed. He laughed wickedly as he pulled a switch down. I screamed as pain shit through my head. It was so unbearable I passed out.

   I woke up in a dark room. All that was there was a bed. A door was in front of me but the window was shut. My head was pounding. I touched the sides and looked at my hands, revealing some blood. "I have to get out of here, they can't do this to me!" I whispered. "Meal time!" I heard as my door was pushed open. "How long was I out?" I asked. I turned around revealing Sister Mary Eunice. "W-well about two days." She said quietly. "You have to eat breakfast before going to the common room!" She said quickly as she slid my plate on the floor and ran out. It was a dry biscuit with a piece of sausage the size of my pinky. I had maybe two sips of water in my cup. I made myself eat and drink, I had to tell Kit what happened.

    About an hour later, my door opened. "Common room." The guard stated as he grabbed me. My room was far away from everyone else's, I'm guessing it was like a solitary confinement. As I came through the doors of the common room, I saw Kit's eyes light up. "Olivia?" He mouthed. I ran to him and sat down beside him. He ran his hands over the side of my face. "This is all my fault.. what did they do to you?" He whispered. "Shock therapy, I was out for two days. Don't blame yourself, we gotta get out of her Kit. I'm scared." A tear made it's way down my cheek. "We will just give me some time." He said quietly. "I have to get out of here before they put me on trial as Bloody Face, they'll send me to the chair." He said. As he finished his sentence, the doors slammed open. "Charlie!" I yelled. "Olivia! I haven't seen you in a few weeks." He smiled. "A few weeks? No I've been here only three days." He shook his head. Has time really gone by like this? Did they lie about how long I was out? Am I going crazy? "I have some good news. I might can get you out by next week." He whispered. I looked at Kit. "I have to get him out too, he's innocent!" I whimpered. Charlie looked him up and down. "They did Shock therapy on me." I removed my hair from my ears. "Oh my god, Olivia!" He whispered. "Give me until next week I'll get you out of here." He said. "But what about K-" he walked away. "I'll be fine, you need to get out of here and let someone know about this place, the torture." He told me. "Kit has it really been a few weeks?" I asked. "I don't know, I don't have a clock." He looked down. "All I can say is we're getting out of here soon." We looked around as we saw a man beating his head on a wall, a woman flirting with everyone and some dancing to that same song that played every single day. His voice repeated in my head.
      "...we're getting out of here soon."

Simply Insanity~ (AHS) A Kit Walker FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now