The Kitchen

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     After our break was over, Sister Jude walked up to me as I entered my room. They moved me back to everyone. "Today you will begin working." She said. "Boys?" The guards grabbed me. They pushed me behind her all the way to the kitchen. I saw people rolling dough. A dark haired girl stood beside me as I was assigned a table. I stood there. "This is Grace, she will show you what to do." Sister Jude spun around and walked out. "You basically just roll the dough like this." She said as she rolled it. "What's your name?" I looked up. "Olivia Collins." I declared. "Grace." She shook my hand. "I have to get out of here me and Kit." I whispered under my breath. "Kit? I just met him! I took his tray to him and shared a cigarette." She smiled. "He's pretty cool, he's innocent like me, we're planning to escape." I said quietly. "I'll help plan, They're finally letting me into the common room again tomorrow!" She said as she rolled the dough. I nodded. Not too long after that we were taken to bed.

    I was woken up after what felt like an hour of sleep. I rubbed my eyes. "I think it's time for your hot bath." Sister Jude peeked into my room. She pulled me into the hall and pushed me into another room. After filling it with hot water, she stripped me down and tied me into the bath. A tarp was placed over so I couldn't get out. Not long after, Kit and Grace were brought in. They were done the same way. "What's your story?" I looked at Grace. "I was accused of chopping up my whole family." She said sadly. "Me too, only my sister, but I didn't do it." I mumbled. "My wife was abducted but I didn't kill her. I'm also most definitely not Bloody Face." He said. Grace somehow managed to free her hands and untie herself. She walked over to Kit and untied him. After slipping towels on themselves, I still sat there. "Let's get out of here, Kit." She said. He ran over and began unstrapping the tarp over me. "I have to get her first." He said. She put her hand on his shoulder. "We don't have time, leave her." Kit shoved her hand off. "I said I HAVE to get her FIRST." He raised his voice. Grace huffed and walked out the room. We heard a guard. "PUNISH HER!" Kit ran back to his bath and pretended to be in it. A guard peeked in and walked back out. "Thank you." I told Kit. "Like I said, I got your back." He smiled his contagious smile. We were taken out of our baths and back to our cells. We would have kitchen duty together tomorrow.

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